The Hunt is On

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I am so thankful for the internet because without it I would not have learned Parkour because I got home a heck of a lot faster than I normally did when I was just walking or running. It usually takes me about an hour if I'm walking and about a little over 30 minutes if I'm running with short rest break intervals. This is the most action that I have had in my life in one day, in all complete honesty I am way too  overwhelmed by what's going on and deep down I'm a bit thankful that this is happening because of how boring my life is, the most exciting and daring thing that I have done my whole high school career with the time that I had snuck out of the house to go to that paint war skate party that was being held at the abandoned rec center at the closed up industrial side of town.

The best part about that was that night was that someone had fixed up a couple of the pools in the pool factory that was right next to the rec center  and had filled them up with this neon paint for this epic obstacle course that you had to go through so that if you made one wrong move that you couldn't save yourself from you'd fall in. The obstacle course contained parkour portions scattered throughout,  maneuver through the paintball minefield, a skate off where you are being judged by the crowd to see who will advance to the next obstacle that they must face, a wall climbing portion and finally the last challenge was a game of extreme capture the flag that was played by those who had managed to pass all the other obstacles that they were faced with, split into two teams blue and red. I had somehow managed to come in 4th place almost tied with the person in 3rd I was just behind by half a point, it was the style points for the skateboarding points that had gotten me maybe if I hadn't hesitated I might have gotten 3rd place to myself I just need to be more confident in my abilities, due to my hesitations I kept stumbling on my board and feel of 3 times once on my stomach cus my board had halted all of a sudden causing me to fly forward, another on my butt because I had lost control of the board when riding on top of the sand because I was going too fast, and finally my side when I had tilted the nose of my board too far forward and began to stumble but caught myself, only to trip over my own two feet a moment later. All though my team did win the extreme game of capture the flag the way that we had closed the night out with an epic black light paint war with a live band playing as we were fighting with the luminescent neon paint that began to mix together.

Why am I thinking about this, when I should be concerned about the new kid, who that guy was, and what the heck the new kid was referring to when he said that Project Masks was a go and how this involves me at all! Geez Ace, Get your Head In The Game! I thought to myself

As I reach the door to my house I start to smell something strange the smell was strong, it was a mixture of chocolate and something that was unidentifiable that was burning. All of a sudden I began to hear crashing noises coming from the house. I went into adrenaline mode as I ran into the house, I saw my dad surrounded by people attempting to attack him. Boy do I feel sorry for those idiots because whatever they came here for was definitely not worth it, for the fact that 1) my dad's superhuman for crying out loud 2) my dad is highly protective so he is always on high alert and 3) HE DOES NOT MESS AROUND! My dad was taking down his attackers left and right without breaking a sweat, it was if he was unfazed by what was going on. I had stood in my spot for probably about a good 5 minutes staring at the sight that was in front of me, it was if I was watching an action movie my dad had given three guys a left uppercut, another a hard kick to the stomach making they person double over in pain, and flipping another two over his back making them face plant the floor only to grab both of their heads and bash them together. I have still not made an effort to move from my spot because of how mesmerized I was with how epically amazing my dad is, that is until I had seen these three shadowed figures trying to sneak up on my father. 

It was at that moment that I had felt this strange natural instinct unlock inside of me, without me even being aware of it I had started to make my way towards my father's sneak attackers. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion again but this time I noticed something different about myself, it was my hair, it wasn't at its usual spot draping around my shoulders but instead flowing behind me. WHAT THE HECK!!! The world wasn't moving in slow motion because of my adrenaline like I had first thought but rather it was moving in slow motion because I was rushing forward at an extensive high speed. This is so cool!!! As I rush towards the first intruder I jump into the air extending my right leg having it make contact with their mid-chest making them fly backward in slow motion in my perspective. After I had landed my attack I kong vaulted over the kitchen counter, time to get the other two. Lucky for me they were standing directly behind one another, with one swift tornado kick to the chest of the first one the other went down like a domino. There was still one problem to deal with though after I landed that move I was still running at the same high speed.


I ran through the door leaving my body print in it, turns out cartoons are right who knew. I do know something really important though when I do figure out how to stop and make it home, I am so DEAD! Instead of worrying about what was going to happen in the future, I should have been paying attention  to what was happening in  the now because all of a sudden I ran into what felt like a wall twice in one day, but this one felt harder, I was scared out of my wits when I felt a pair of strong arms grab onto my waist and pull me closer to stop me from running. "Looks like I caught you" I heard a cocky melodic voice say to me. I recognized that voice right away, it was the new kid. Suddenly I felt something wet fall on my left shoulder and then the new kid's chest start to quiver, "Thank god you're safe" I hear him say in a shaky voice, he was crying over me? He pulled me away to examine me, "you're bleeding you idiot, when will you ever learn to make rational decisions instead of just rushing into things!" The new kid says to me in a somewhat nagging voice. How dare he call me an idiot, "HOW CAN YOU CALL ME AN IDIOT WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SENT ME AHEAD OF YOU WITHOUT EXPLAINING A SINGLE THING TO ME, AND FYI I WAS WORRIED OUT OF MY MIND ABOUT YOU! LOOKS LIKE THAT WAS A MISTAKE YOU JERK" I yell at him with tears starting to build up in my eyes. "I'm sorry I left you alone, I did it to protect you." He says to me the sound of defeat in his voice. After he said this I struggled to hold in a snicker, he literally just quoted Before Dawn which is a super cheesy vampire love story that I used to be obsessed with in the sixth grade because my english teacher got me into it. I think he realized that I had figured out where the quote was from because he began blushing madly. Point one for the fangirl!

"So are you going to finally tell me what your name is, or do you just want me to keep calling you New Kid?" I say while chuckling at him. "My name's Seth" he says to me as he gives me the stereotypical bad boy smirk again. "Well nice to meet you Seth, my name's Monica but people either call me Ace or Jace" I say to him smiling and extending my hand to him which he gladly shakes. "We should go find your dad now because I know you haven't told him the information I told you to pass on" Seth says to me as he shakes his head in a playful manner "It's not my fault I got preoccupied with fighting" I say throwing my hands up in an overly exaggerated manner. "Wait... What did you say?!" Seth asks all playfulness gone from his features. "We have to get your dad so we can get out of here NOW!" He says with authority. "I need you to quickly start the car and wait for me there while I get you dad and some other stuff, don't move a muscle from that seat. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Seth says concerned. "Yes" I say immediately

"Oh man is The Oracle going to have my but" I hear Seth mumble to himself as he runs into my house, throwing a glance over his shoulder to make sure I was listening to his directions. "Who the heck is this Oracle person and why are they going to be mad at Seth I wonder to myself as I get out of the car leaving it running. What can I say I'm not the kind of girl to be a damsel in distress and it's true about what they say about curiosity kills the cat because I have gotten in more trouble then I can keep count due to my curiosity. And it looks like this is going to be another one to add to the taliy, oh well.

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