The New Move... Again

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 LOG 2 

DATE 4/25

Well, some stuff happened after we last talked, and it looks like I have to move again. Don't worry, I know it wasn't your fault so you're safe for now...

Oh and congrats on keeping my secret so far, to be completely honest I thought you would crack by now but you didn't so that's good.

Another good thing is that I won't be moving until the school year ends, so that's exciting. Not really, cuz I'll yet again be the new girl at a school again and also there's the fact that next year I'll be a senior in high school. But it's the little victories that count. Yay me.

I need to be more careful when I write this, not only has my dad been snooping around but there is this weird kid in my class that had transferred about a week ago. He won't stop staring at me, people have been saying to me that he probably likes me, but I think it's for a completely different reason... 

I think that he knows something about my secret. You weren't the one that sent him, did you?! because if you were then you know what will happen when I find you and it will not be pretty. I need to start figuring things out,  for now, I will trust that you aren't the person that sent him so you are safe yet again my friend. It's almost time for spring break so that's a good thing because that will give me time to not only find out what this guys name is but also information about him. I promise you I'm not a stalker, in fact, you would be further from the truth if you thought that. In the words of Ron Weasley " You need to sort out your priorities".  

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, that has been something that my father has taught me and constantly reminds me of the day that they had not only discovered that he and the nine others had superpowers and made them into Superheroes that save the world from not only natural disasters but also man-made ones. By the way, those aren't my words, they're my dad's.

Midterms are a week after spring break, so I should probably get to studying because I am a huge procrastinator. I find it kind of funny that I am because my dad is always trying to teach me to be punctual, cus his job is quite time sensitive if you understand what I'm saying. Well it's about time I get off before my dad catches me on this and bands me from using the internet again, let me tell you doing a ten page research project on a topic that you have never heard of is the worst thing to do on paper, and needing at least five different source on top of that, it's a complete nightmare.

I'm going to warn you one last time,  if you are the one that sent the new guy to my school to cause problems for me, I will find you and you will not like the end RESULTS. For him or you.

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