Chapter Four

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Heya! Sorry that I'm updating a bit later than usual! I hope you all are enjoying the fanfics! I'm doing much better now that I'm not having to update so much so often.

On with the fanfic!

~Hermione Granger <3

I woke up the next day to see Ginny staring at me. It was only the second day back and everything was really hectic already. I'm not sure what happened with Ginny and Malfoy last night, but Draco seemed pretty annoyed with her.

I yawned and widely stretched out my arms. Today was the first day of classes, and I had potions first with the Slytherins. I wouldn't usually be excited for potions, but we had a new teacher, Professor Slughorn. Any body would be better than Snape. Except for maybe Umbridge. Ugh.

In addition, I would get to see Draco! I was still really curious to what was bothering him, and I was also still a little annoyed at him for what happened yesterday. Oh well, at least he didn't call me a Mudblood.

As we strode along the vast corridors to the Great Hall for breakfast, I asked Ginny about the events of last night.

"I saw him running to the library and found this a perfect opportunity to get the truth out of him."

"What do you mean...the truth out of him?" I shot her a questioning look.

"Well, it's obvious he's done something to you. And, knowing Malfoy, it was probably something rough. He was probably getting you back from third year," I giggled, thinking back to when I had given him a massive smack in the nose. "...leading to you hitting your head or something. I honestly don't know, Hermione. I didn't get anything out of him. It was sort of pointless, actually."

I wasn't quite sure how to respond, so I just nodded my head politely.

*Time Skip*

The owls came flying in with our mail, but Ron was too busy stuffing his face with bacon to realise. I only had one letter from Mum and Dad.

Dear Hermione,

Hope everything is going alright! That Malfoy boy you were telling us about... he hasn't done anything to you yet has he?

We are ever so sorry that we couldn't see you off at the station. Did you have a good time at the Burrow? The Weasleys have become good friends with us now, and their older sons are very sweet! Also, Bill and Fleur are getting married next year!

We don't have much to say, but hope you are having a good first couple days back at Hogwarts. We are going to send you some new books soon.

Love you lots,

Mum and Dad

I smiled and quickly scribbled a reply. I always keep spare bits of parchment on me in case I want to take extra notes in class.

Hi Mum and Dad,

Thanks for your letter. About Bill and Fleur getting married, that's great news! I'm glad you and the Weasleys are getting along well! You can tell Arthur about "Muggle Items", I'm sure he will be very pleased!

About school, things are going fine. It's been... eventful... but I'm doing just fine. Malfoy hasn't said anything too hurtful toward me, just a couple of annoying remarks. Something about him seems different...

But anyway, thanks for the books, I'm looking forward to them, but knowing me they will be finished in a day or two!

Love you too,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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