Kiss Me

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She woke up on a bed. She knew better than to get exited this time. She knew she was at briarcliff but this wasn't an inmate bed and she wasn't in a cell.

It was a small room with one piece of furniture and a desk, apart from the bed she was laying on. There was a cross on the wall, a record player and a body length mirror on the corner. As her eyes finished scanning the room she saw a figure sitting on a chair next to the bed that was looking right back at her.

She almost didn't recognize the nun out of her habit. She was wearing a white nightgown and her hair was out of her coif, falling onto her shoulders in messy blonde waves. She looked lost in thought, her brows forrowed and her mouth pouting slightly.

"Good morning miss Winters." The nun finally said.

"Sister?" She asked.

"Did you sleep well? One would imagine you did after all those nights in the hard inmate beds."

"Yeah I, I slept well, thank you." Mary Eunice smiled but it didn't seem sincere, there was something unsettling about it.

There was a long pause and the two women looked at each other with curiosity. Finally, Lana spoke first.

"What am I doing here?" She asked calmly.

"I don't know"

"How can you not know? Didn't you bring me here?"

"I did" she stated simply.

"So? Why did you do it?"

The nun seemed to ponder on what to say for a moment before answering.

"You intrigue me miss Winters, ever since you got here, even before. . . You make me very confused." She seemed very frustrated but her words made no sense to Lana.

"What do you mean? Before what? Sister I think you owe me an explanation." She was beginning to feel exasperated.

"I know I do." Mary stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?" Lana thought for a moment before answering.

"There are flashes of things here and there, Wait, he was here wasn't he? Bloody face. What happened?" She said with a panicked voice, starting to get out of the bed.

"I knocked him out, you don't have to worry about that right now." She said being dismissive. "However, I do because I wasn't supposed to stop him, I was supposed to watch it happen and I couldn't!" She sounded even more frustrated and angry. She started pacing around the small room.

"Why couldn't I Lana? What have you done to me? I feel so strange." She returned to the bed and looked at Lana pleadingly.

"I don't know what you mean. Watch it  happen? Did you know who dr Threadson was all along?" Lana was very confused.

"Of course I did! That's what I do! Don't you get it?" She seemed on the verge of crying and Lana was positive she had lost her mind.

"I want to know why you intrigue me, what is is about you that you managed to taim a demon?" As she spoke, she crawled on the bed until she was inches away from Lana. Her eyes looked positively crazy and her mouth was turned up into a crooked smirk.

"Let me kiss you Lana." She stated. "I want to know what's so great about you. Help me understand."

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