8: Ramadan 💞

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Ramadan is few months away now, start reciting Quran practise it now so in Ramadan you'll not face any difficulty in reciting it. Don't miss any salah because its the question that would be asked first. Fasting is the one of the pillar of islam so do fast , repent now its not too late.    
"when ramadan begins the gates of paradise are open and the gates of hell are closed ,and the devil are put in chains". ( reported by al- bukhari,al-fat'h no. 3277). During this beautiful Month of ramadan we should try to keep our tongue busy in doing the zikr, istighfar(asking for forgivness). Recite Quran everyday because this will only help you in this world and hereafter also.

May Allah accept it from us and make it easy for us .Ameen.

A/N: Assalam alaikum everyone!! I hope you all are doing great! I hope this book is beneficial to  you all .And ya.. Silent readers i just wanted to know your reveiws about this book.Tc! Remember me in your dua's.
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