Chapter 8

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“Mom? What’s going on?” Mariah pulled on my pant leg.

Dimitri glanced at the little boy in my arms and the girl behind me. “Who are they?”

I set Damon on the ground on his feet. I push Mariah's hair out from her shoulders, hoisting Mariah under Damon’s arm. He leaned on her while I would deal with Dimitri.

I smile and admire them for what they are. “My kids…” He couldn't see my smile but for now, that was alright with me

Dimitri stood even more still, paralyzed on the ground where he remained. “W-What?” he said shocked.

“Who is that, Mommy?” Mariah asked looking up at him.

I glance back at Dimitri and saw how he was studying her face, the similarities that lie between them both. And then he glanced at Damon.

Dimitri’s mouth was slightly opened, his head tilted to get a better view of the mirrored version of himself.

“I need you to go take your brother to our room, okay, honey? Go on...”

Mariah asked, looking up at him, “Why?” Mariah’s eyes went a little big, just like Dimitri’s eyes.

“Wait,” he said in his accent, “h-how, how old are you?” He licked his lips and frantically looked between Mariah and me.

“Don’t answer him…” I said as I pushed Mariah toward the door.

“How old are you!?” he shouted this time.

“4!” she said in a squeaky voice. “Why is you yelling?”

“She’s four?” He said whispering now, “Is he four too?”

“Mom?” Damon said rubbing his head, his Russian accent coming out the faintest bit.

Dimitri’s eyes were closed for a moment and he was shaking his head back and forth trying to get the story straight. I could probably guessed what he was thinking. No, no, this isn’t true… I’m not a… No…

“I-Is this… my son?”

I never said anything about their Father much, just that he said he loved me, and did love me, and somewhere along the way he stopped loving me. The grief way too much, and I left, and when I found out that I was pregnant, with the most wonderful children in the whole world, I didn’t want to be judged, I didn’t want him to feel like he had to be a father. When they asked why, I said that it was because when you love someone, as much as I loved their father, and they told you that they didn’t return that love anymore, it was hard to be around that person.

My children’s intelligence was higher up, most vampires were smarter than other human children, they were more mature than other, but as soon as we hit our teen years, boom! our mind stops working and only thinks about sex.

When I didn’t answer, he whispered even lower, his words almost jumbled and incoherent, “Is this my son? My daughter?”

A tear slipped down my cheek. I couldn’t keep this up. Dimitri did have a right to know. I didn't know how much things would change, from then on out everything would be forigen to me. I touched Mariah’s cheek, her eyes boring into mine, with gentle ease and wonder. Wonder for the truth…

I nodded my head and then said, “Yes."

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