Chapter six : Knowing Where Octavia Really Is

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Blade's POV

Hi, I'm Blade and I'm Bellamy's sister. When we found out that Octavia was getting Bullied we had to do something, because her powers are strong than Cassie's and that's a problem. No she isn't dead we had to make up a cover story. Octavia is with Cassie's parents until we change her name and change her look. I texted Octavia that we are going to Cassie's house and that I will tell you when you can come okay. she said okay.


I walked into my Aunt's house and she greeted me at the door. I walked in and hugged her, she looked at me and said," go put down your stuff because we have to go to the court." I nodded my head know we have to change my name. When we got there it was really easy they just asked for my name and I gave it to them, they asked me if I was going to change it I said yes.  My new name is Evie Renee Rose.

I called my cousin Cassie and told her everything she said I can ask her mom if I can come down there and I asked and it was okay. I told Cassie that I'm leaving everything I have here. I drove seventeen hours, but the time I got there it was six am. I walked into the house and went to the kitchen, to start cooking. Silver came running down, and scared me I jumped and ice came out of my hands. I looked at Silver and she was holding a bat. Seriously Silver a bat, she looked at me confused. Next Cassie came down and hugged me I hugged back, Silver finally realized it was me and through the bat on the couch. Everyone else got up and ran to hug me, I became hot and I need some air, I walked outside and jumped on the ledge, I jumped and flew up on to the roof to sit and think about things. I was thinking about why should I be here I should be with Matt.

5 years eariler

Nash's Pov

 I was in military camp and i was a captain now, I still feel bad for leaving and stuff but i had to get my life together. I have to take some time off because its the holidays and we are aloud to leave, but some of us decide to stay. I walked to my major and asked if i could go home. He said yes, but make sure your here next time we get recruts goodbye Captain Gier. I hopped on the bus to leave and headed home.

It's now five in the morning, I have been doing workouts since three and I was goive for a run. i saw a girl and she was running and i decided to go the oppiste way than her. i saw the girl again but this time she ran to a tall house up the street. My mom or brother dont know i'm here so i want to surprise them when they get home today. I saw Hayes get in our moms car and mom get in on the other side. After puttin Sky in the back, they left so i decided to go through the front door, lucky it was opened. I changed in to my Military uniform and grabbed my truck keys and got in the truck. I drove to the school and Hayes was trying to find mom, so i honked the horn and he ran to the truck. I got out and stood there Hayes finally saw me and bro hugged me, i hugged back. i told him to get in and thats when i saw that girl again but she was with Cassie. Wait Cassie as in Night-blood. Igot of the truck and walked over there to Cassie's car and said Cassie, she looked up at me and said, " Umm Do I know you?" Sorry no you just look very familer. After that i walked back to the truck and drove off to get Sky. I walked up the day-care and asked for Skylnn and she ran when she saw camo Nashy? i turned to her and picked her up she hugged me and i said thank you bye now. 

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