"Taylor Knows"

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   Evie's POV

              Shit is all that I thought, how could I be so stupid. I completely forgot that memory. I look at him with anger in my eyes and I took off. I ran and ran deep into the woods, not wanting to ever be seen again. I found an abandon cabin in the woods and I transformed back into my human self, as I walked into the cabin I saw a pair of clothes and I put them on. I decide to look through the house and I find sweet memories of a cute couple, who were high school sweethearts. It turns out that they were my parents and my mother died during childbirth, and I was put up for adoption before my dad died. I found a note that was from my mother for me....

     " Dear My Little Wolf, 

I love you so much little girl, you will come into powers when you get older and I want to tell you why. I am a wolf and your father comes from witches and his mother turned him and his whole family into vampires,to protect them from his stepfather. Your father was also part wolf, that's why you can transform into a wolf. You have and aunt and uncle that will tell you anything you want to know about us. this bracelet when you put it on will send a message to your aunt and she will come find you. Your father loves you so much, no matter what happens he will always be there in the shadows and so will I.

                                                                                 always and forever,

                                                                                                                       your mom"

I put on the bracelet and I felt at home with myself, I felt a vibration come from the bracelet and then it went away. I hope I get to meet my fathers sister soon, because I want to know where I came from and what my moms name was. I know my fathers name was Klaus Mitchell. I walked around for a few more minutes and found car keys to a 1967 Chevy Impala, I took the keys and walked outside and there is was the car. I unlocked it and found out that it belonged to my dad.

I drove back to Cassie's house and I put the car in the garage and put a cover over it. I walked in the house and everyone was yelling at me about where I was and everything. I couldn't handle it anymore with the yelling so I walked upstairs and grabbed a bunch of bags and started to pack all my stuff up. After I finished packing I grabbed a couple of bags and walked downstairs to the garage, put everything in my cars and grabbed all my car keys and got into the impala. I did a spell and made all my cars follow me. I drove back to the cabin and parked all my cars, I unloaded all my stuff and put it in the cabin. As I unpacked I played music and painted the walls in a unique way. 

    The next day 

I didn't go to school today and everyone has been blowing up my phone asking where I am, and why is all my stuff gone. I ignored all of them and kept decorating my cabin until I heard a knock on the door.. I opened the door and I looked at the girl in front of me and she had the same bracelet as me. The one I got from the note, I looked up at her and I said " are you my aunt?" She looked at me and smiled, she said " I'm Hope Mitchell, and your Hayley Mitchell." I let her in and she sat down and we talked for hours.

Hope's POV

  I was eating dinner with my husband when my bracelet shined, then I looked at him and said " Love I'm sorry but I have to go, Ill be home soon." I grabbed my emergency bag and through it in the car and left. I knew it was Hayley because it only will send a message if it was her not anyone else. After a couple of hours I got into town and I stopped at the cemetery and talked to my brother about that his daughter is okay and she wanted me to find her.

The next morning

I woke up and drove to my brothers cabin and I saw a lot of cars and I heard music coming from the cabin. I knocked on the door and there she was. Hayley. She invited me in and we talked for hours, and I asked her how old she was. She said " I'm 17 years old today." I smiled and told her " Happy Birthday" she explained that her name that was given to her by her foster parents was Evie, she looked at me and asked me if I could take her to change her name to her actual given name. I shook my head yes and we got in the car and drove to the court house. After we got it changed, she looked at me and said I have to go to my school and tell them I'm a new students but first I have to change my hair. I took her to the mall and she got her hair changed it was now blonde with pink and blue ends. We got back to the cabin and she changed clothes, we got into my brothers impala and she drove to the school. We walked into the main office and I enrolled her into the school. After that we walked out and she droves us back to the cabin. 

The next day 

Hayley's POV 

I got up and dove to school as Hope called her husband and told him that she will be home tomorrow. I don't want her to leave but I know that she has a life too so I will make the most of it. I got to the school and turned off my car and walked inside and got my schedule and walked to my locker and put my stuff away. I walked to first period and I sat down. Taylor sat down next to me and started talking to me. 

Tay- me -

Tay- hey 

me- hi 

Tay - are you new ive never seen you around?

me- yeah I'm new my names Hayley Mitchell 

tay- (scared) oh as in the daughter of Klaus and Cami Mitchell ?

me- yes I'm there daughter I was living with my aunt after they died. 

After that class started and he stopped talking to me. As soon as the bell rang I got up and walked to my next class but I was stopped by Taylor and his gang. He introduced the gang and everyone said hi, then Blade came and started to harass them and I wasn't having it. I grabbed her and turned her around and punched her straight in the face and she fell to the ground. I grabbed Taylors hand and kissed him on the cheek and walked away.

After the last bell I was walking to my car when Cassie and her group came up to me, she looked me up and down and was really hurtful. Then I got mad I punched her and Scar, Sky, Silver, and Blade again. I got into my car and drove out of the school. I got home and Hope's car wasn't there anymore. I walked inside and saw a note: 

     " Hayley, 

I'm sorry that I had to leave so soon there's just a lot going on with your uncle and I need to care for him we will see you soon I promise.

                                                                                  always and forever, 


I walked around my house and looked at all the photos of my parents and then I get a phone call from Taylor. 

Taylor-  me - 

me- hello 

Taylor- hey I have a question

me- okay ask

Taylor- when you kissed my cheek at school was it because you like me or because you felt the need to 

me - maybe I like you 

Taylor- well okay thanks um ill talk to you tomorrow. 

me - okay bye 

Taylor - bye Hayley 

I think I like Taylor but I don't know everything is a  mess right now and I just don't know what to do. I lay on my bed and think to myself, the I realize I've been in love with Taylor since we became friends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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