Statement Interlude 1

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Once upon a blue moon I will add to this Statement some things to think about.

Let's Take This Outside

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.  And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.  Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
Acts 2:4‭-‬6 KJV

On April 9, 1906, the Asuza street revival started. What began as a man desperately seeking the truth of God grew into the largest revivals the world has ever known. People from neighborhood blocks around the little abandoned methodist church/stable felt conviction on their hearts to be led to God. People would drop what they were doing walking down the street and run to the altars of that little busted up church. Miracles were spoken into existence. Some reports say there was a man who was missing an arm there. When they prayed over him, his bones grew back, followed by muscles and blood and flesh until it was new again. There were men and women speaking in the tongues of angels and men. Healings, prophecies, visions, testimonies and dreams. In an America that had split and half and fought a civil war for slavery, white and black people prayed together, for each other, in Spirit and in truth. Racism, bigotry, fear, pain; all removed in prayer at that revival.

The people ran outside their homes and the churches, speaking in tongues and praising the Lord. People on the street felt conviction and were pulled to the Holy Ghost. Their numbers increased daily like the Apostle's numbers did in Acts.

The media mocked them, calling them disgraceful cultists, shaming them for racial integration, going so far as to calling them swine. But they didn't care. They made their own newspaper, that told of the incredible, wondrous things God has done through the revived church, and spread that newspaper across every town and nation they could, sharing their testimonies and God's light.

All because one black preacher whom few respected sought the truth and desired to bring it to the world. He found the truth and took it outside.

What if we had the same attitude? What if we stopped messing around, took a stand and decided that we were going to seek truth instead of being content with the ways things are?

What if we took this outside? It was because the Spirit was not limited to the church that this revival took place. Instead it was because people felt conviction all over town. People felt the move of God everywhere, and as the members of Asuza street spread out, it reached people across the nation, across the world. Miracles happened all over the world at this time. The prescence of the Lord went out throughout the land. In a time of prejudice, racism, hate, and turmoil, God's love moved and filled people with love.

If we take our testimonies, if we share them throughout the world, proclaiming boldly what God had done for us, lives can be changed. Problems can be changed. Alcoholism and drug addiction will have to leave. Depression is the world's largest crippling disorder in the world, but it will have to leave.

If the glory that God has shone upon each of us would be revealed to the world, a new movement could start. A new Asuza street revival could start. Do you want something new? Do you want to change this horrible world that damns people to meaningless lives without their Creator, without His Spirit touching them? Seek truth with all of your heart, mind, and soul, and show it to all around. And as evidence, a testimony, a statement, tell, live and show what God has done in you.

If we can't change the world, why should we even live? If we can't tear the ones we love out of the devil's iron teeth of depression, drugs, immoral living, and false salvation; if we can't make an impact on this world that craves hate and fear in media, that tells men they have no purpose but pleasure and tells women their purpose is to look attractive to men; if we can't save children from suicide, old men from making foolish decisions, young men from making deadly ones; if we can't give hope to the orphans, the unloved, the lost, and the bastard;

Then we will die trying.

It's time we took this outside.

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