The Vampire Diaries// Damon

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For once, I hated Damon Salvatore. 

For once, I wanted to see the fear in his eyes as I watched him suffer. As I watched him die. I couldn't fight this ever growing hatred, which trembled deep in my abdomen. He had, undoubtedly, killed the two people I cared about. He had killed my parents. 

I prepared myself physically- and mentally- for what I needed to to. Breaking into Alaric Saltzman's small apartment, I raided it for weaponry or the possibility of vervain. I knew that I would be no match against him, but I had to try: I had to avenge my parents. Finally, I found a state-of-the-ark stake with a small portion of vervain. I greedily smirked as I grabbed it all. 

Leaving, I headed to what was known as the Salvatore house. If Stefan was there, he would stop me. I texted Caroline: she was the one person who would know where he was. 

Y/N: Hey, what you up to? 
Caroline: Nothing really. 
Caroline: Just with Stefan. 
Y/N: Can I hang out with you? 
Caroline: I don't know. 
Caroline: Stefan said yes. We're at the Grill. 
Y/N: Okay. 


I drove to the house, my palms sweating. He must have heard me by now, he's a vampire after all. Taking a quick mouthful of the vervain- the taste revolting -I opened the door. Silence. A fire burned in the living room, illuminating the old vampire's face. His perfect blue eyes were blindingly beautiful. I felt myself falling in love with him all over again.

"Y/N." He acknowledged without looking at me. I walked closer to him, keeping the stake close to my side. 
He put down his glass, his infamous bourbon still at the bottom. "I know why you're here. I killed your parents. I get that your angry." 
"You snapped their necks like twigs." I screamed, tears dripping down my face. I ran forward, screaming at the top of my lungs. He swiftly turned, grabbing my arms. I struggled against his grip, and he solemnly looked down at me. 
"I didn't know it was your parents." Damon's grip burned my wrists. 
"Would that have made a difference?"
"I wouldn't hurt you Y/N." 
"You already have." 

I stared him boldly in the eye, and watched him writhe under my glare. I wan't going to let him hurt me anymore. 
"Let me go, Damon." 
"If I did that, you would kill me." 
He was right. 
Damon continued, inching his face further. "Your parents tried to kill me." 
"Much like I will. 
"It was self defense, Y/N." 
I growled. "Why would they try to kill you!" 
"Because they don't like me loving you." 

I sighed, my heart fluttering. I felt him let go of my arms, my knees beginning to buckle. He sadly smiled, standing inches away. He then lent forward, putting my lips against his. I always dreamt about this moment. 
Damon shouted in agony, jumping back. His lips were blistered. I punched him, ejecting the stake hidden under my sleeve into his chest. It barely missed his heart. He fell back, landing onto the sofa.
"Vervain." I muttered. I grabbed another stake, driving it into his heart. His skin paled, Damon's signature blue eyes dulling. A part of me felt sorrow- for I had just killed the man I was hopelessly in love with -but the other part of me felt glad that I finally avenged my parents. 

I had killed Damon Salvatore. 

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