Teen Wolf//Imagine you are a hunter

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(A/N Some of the details are wrong but it was the only way to make this imagine work.)

"What's the plan, Chris?" You asked, eager for your first time as an official hunter..

Ever since Kate had dies, you were brought to Beacon Hills in her place. She was your mother, and now she was dead. It was only right to follow in her footsteps. You wanted to help, take revenge. Allison was going to help you on your first night, and you were going to Derek's house.
You were on the back of the quad bike, gun in hand. Allison was driving, and  was following Christ.  
"We are going to kill Derek. Finally." Chris shouted as thunder crashed above.
"Good." You smiled, wanting time to go faster.
You all arrived at the house, the old wood creaking in the steady wind. The door flung open and Derek stood there. His face was wolf like, and your heart began to beat faster. Before you could even think, he pounced at Chris. Allison shot an arrow at his arm, which missed and hit a tree. She cursed under her breath.

You aimed your silver bullet, your hands shaking. You remembered your mother's teachings and began to follow her instructions.
Take a deep breath. You inhaled, letting the cold night air fill your lungs. 
Aim at the largest part of your victims body. Holding up your arm, you closed your right eye and pointed the metal gun at Derek's torso.
Fire. You breathed out, your finger pushing down on the trigger several times. Each bullet hit his body, leaving holes in his tight t-shirt. If you didn't have to kill him, you would have admired his muscular physique. He turned around, leaving an unconscious Chris on the ground. He began to approach you, and you fiddled to reload your gun. You were shaking too much, and managed to drop them all on the ground. You cursed. Allison, who hadn't helped until now, ran to aid her father.  
"I almost feel bad for having to kill a pretty hunter like you." He whispered, his eyes a dark red. You were mesmerized by how a creature so fierce could exist. Derek grabbed both of your arms, digging his nails deep into them. Blood trailed down your forearms and you screamed in pain. Suddenly, you saw another wolf - a beta- attack him. As he pulled Derek of you, you fell to the floor. You watched as he growled something in his direction. Derek muttered something in response, before running. The mysterious beta slowly transformed back into his human self. Your heart lurched in response. He was handsome, to say the least. His skin was a dark olive, and his jaw was slightly slanted. His eyes were dark brown, much like his hair. He stared back at you, a mixture of emotions on his face. He put his hand out, and you took it. He lifted you to your feet, and you smiled back in his direction. 
"What's your name?" He asked, still staring at you.
"Y/N Argent." 
He looked behind you, as did yourself. You noticed a series of headlights. The boy began to run, but you shouted after him. 
"I never got your name!"
He stopped in his tracks, turning to face you. "My name is Scott."  Scott ran into the darkness, and you went to help Allison. Chris had became conscious once again, and had propped himself against a tree. As more hunters arrived, Allison took you aside. 
"I see you met my boyfriend then." 

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