Chapter Four.

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Alex's POV -

"Dude, seriously. I need to get laid. It's been like, three days." I groan, running a hand over my face. My best friend, Caleb is sat on the end of my bed, controller in his hand. He turns to face me as soon as the battle is over on the screen, his eyes lighting up with humour.

"You need to get yourself a girlfriend, the sex is like almost every day." Caleb grins, his smile lighting up his face. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at his head, watching as it bounces off him.

"Fuck having a girlfriend. Girlfriends are a major pain the ass. How many times has Nikki messaged you since you've been at mine?" I question, my eyebrow raised at him. He drops his gaze to his phone, the cockiness disappearing from his features.

"Six? Seven?" I tease him, a smirk plastered on my face as I realise I'm right. My point made exactly.

"It's actually eight times," Caleb mutters, grimacing before turning his phone off. I let out a loud whoop, fist pumping the air.

"See, dude? I'm always right. Girlfriends are crazy. She'll be driving herself insane thinking your cheating on her when really, you're keeping my miserable ass company."

"I agree with you partially but don't tell Nikki that. She'll bite my head off." Caleb mutters unhappily, reaching over for another slice of pizza.

"Is your right hand not good enough anymore? The doctor said you need to rest, sex is not resting." Caleb shot me an amused look and I scowl at him in return.

"Shut up. Sex heals everything." I grin, reaching over for my phone.

"I need someone who isn't crazy. I can't have her going all Karma Sutra on me when I've just been stabbed."

We both turn to look at each other, thinking the exact same thing.

"Kelsey?" I say, already scrolling through my contacts to find her. Caleb nods in agreement -

"She's your best bet man. She isn't adventurous but she'll get the job done."

I can't help but laugh at him, shaking my head at his thoughts towards girls. I couldn't judge him, I'm the exact same. There's never been anyone special enough for me, all they want is to sleep with me and move on. That's more than fine by me.

"He's too dangerous."

"He's not a family guy, he'll cheat and leave you broken hearted."

"Alex is bad news, stay away from him."

I've heard it all.

For women, I'm good enough to sleep with. But, a relationship? None of them have the guts for that. I send her a text quickly, something along the lines of missing her, wanting to meet up... blah blah.

"Done?" Caleb asks me and I nod silently, placing my phone back onto my desk.



"Alex! Get down here!"

I groan and roll over, my body hitting something warm behind me. I sit up in bed and turn, memories of last night flooding back to me. Kelsey is sleeping soundly beside me, her blonde hair messily sprawled across my pillow. I carefully climb out of bed, hoping she'll wake up soon and leave. I slowly get dressed, wincing as the pain in my stomach increases from the movement.

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