Chapter Eight.

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Alex's POV -

"What took you so long?" Papa asks me, a slight hint of annoyance in his tone. I resist the urge to snap back at him and simply roll my eyes instead. Around him, I roll my eyes a lot.

"Nothing, here." I grumble in response, handing him his coffee and fruit. He takes it from me without as much as a thank you and I sigh, slamming the car door shut. My eyes drift over to the door of the little coffee shop and I can feel the corners of my lips twitch up into a smile. I didn't think I'd ever see her again. She looks even more beautiful than the first time I laid eyes on her.

I close my eyes and leaned back in the seat, reminding myself of who I am.

Forget about her Alex. . . You know it can't happen.

I know I should listen to that little voice inside of my head but instead, I choose to ignore it.


"Concentrate Alex!" Caleb yells at me, slapping me lightly on the side of my head with the boxing pads. I let out a grunt in response, taking a few steps back. I'm inside the boxing ring, sweat dripping down my back. The boxing gloves are fastened tightly around my wrist and Caleb is bouncing around the ring, training me as he usually does.

Today is different. Today, I can't concentrate.

"Let's try this again!" Caleb shakes his head before striding towards me, holding out his right pad. I swing back and let out a frustrated yell, my hand colliding with it.

"Good! Again!" Caleb encourages me, swinging the pads, left to right. I follow his movements, landing a clear, strong punch every time. I can feel the adrenaline running through my blood, cursing through my veins. The top of my arms ache with the strain but I like pain, pain feels good.

My fists continue to lash out, arms becoming a blur as I let my mind go blank. No thoughts, no feelings, no emotions.

"Woah, woah! Alex!" Caleb yells as he's knocked off his feet, one of my punches knocking him backwards. I hear him land with a thud and immediately take a step back, blinking. I feel disorientated, spaced out. Caleb is lying on the floor, the boxing pads next to him. He's clutching his arm and his face is twisted with pain. I spit out my mouth guard and rip off my gloves, tossing them to the floor.

"Shit," I mumble, dropping down to his side. He's hissing in pain, his eyes squeezed shut tightly.

"Caleb, talk to me man."

I lift up his sleeve, exposing his bare arm. The skin around his shoulder is red, the dark shadow of a bruise forming around the entire area. I can't help but wince myself knowing it must hurt like hell.

"You fucking asshole! I think you've broken my shoulder, God rest my soul." Caleb cries out, lying on his back whilst clutching his shoulder. I can't help but chuckle at him, using my forearm to wipe off the sweat dripping from my forehead. Caleb scowls at me, his eyes shooting daggers through mine.

"Does it look like I'm laughing? This isn't a joke Alex." Caleb shot back, sitting up and shoving my shoulder hard. I barely flinch from his force and instead stand up on my feet, holding out my hand.

"I'm sorry man, I went too far."

Caleb mutters under his breath for a few minutes before reaching up and taking my hand. I pull him up in one swift move and he stumbles a little, still clutching his shoulder.

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