Chapter Eleven.

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"You want me to down that shot, in one go?" I ask, my eyebrow raised high. I let out an unbelievable laugh, shaking my head at him. Alex leans forward, resting his hands against the bar before lightly bumping me with his shoulder. His scent and the multiple drinks we've already consumed is making me light headed and dizzy.

"Something tells me you won't have any trouble with that."

His voice is silky, almost like a purr down my ear. Every time he speaks, he leans towards me so I can hear him over the music blaring through the club.

"I don't know Alex," I shake my head, eyeing up the shot gingerly. The bartender pushes another two towards us before sauntering off, hips moving to the sound of the music. It's so loud, bouncing off the walls. Crowds of people are dancing, their arms up in the air. The atmosphere is lively, buzzing with people wanting to have a good time.

"Come on hermosa. Take this one first." He instructs, pushing the purple liquid towards me.

"And this one straight after it." He shoots me a dazzling smile and I feel my insides clench from a simple second of looking at him. I nod, shrugging my shoulders.

"What harm can it do?" I giggle, taking a hold of the first shot glass. I lift it up and Alex does the same with his, brown eyes sparkling mischievously at me.

"What are we toasting these to?" I ask him, raising my voice so he can hear me over the music. He reaches up with his free hand and I suck in a breath, shivering as his fingers tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, lightly skimming over my skin. My knees wobble underneath me as he leans closer, turning his head to murmur down my ear.

"To danger."

I close my eyes, a shiver running down my spine. When I open them, Alex is slightly further away from me, looking at me with a smirk on his face. I swallow, my mouth dry as I nod before lifting my glass in the air.

"To danger," I repeat, my voice barely above a whisper. I knew he can't hear me but his eyes darken as he watches my lips mouth the words. They burn with. . . desire?

He doesn't once drop the eye contact as his glass connects with mine. I feel my hands trembling, small droplets of the alcohol falling to the floor from my shaky grip. Alex pulls back and I repeat his actions before swallowing the liquid. It burns my throat as it slides down and I squeeze my eyes shut, swallowing it with effort. "Urgh!" I grimace, opening my eyes to find Alex wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He chuckles quietly, pushing the second shot towards me.

I smile widely, taking hold of it.

"Down it!" I tell him and he nods, swinging his head back as he lifts the glass to his mouth. I do the same and shudder as it travels down my throat, burning my insides with a newly lit flame. I feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately, excitement buzzing inside me. When I open my eyes, Alex is leaning against the bar, watching me. I let out a nervous giggle, wiping the corner of my mouth with my finger. He leans forward, taking the shot glass from me. His fingers lightly brush my skin and I shiver again despite the hot temperature inside the room.

"I'm impressed," he murmurs down my ear. I pull back and roll my eyes at him, taking his hand in mine confidently. I'm going to think too much about it, I simply want to have a good time. Alex places the shot glass down onto the bar, his eyes intrigued as he studies my hand in his. I ignore the electricity shooting through my body and weave my way through the crowd, pulling him with me. I turne around briefly, a wide grin on my face. Alex is smirking back at me, one eyebrow raised as I sway my hips towards the middle of the dance floor.

The people around us make enough room for the both of us and I drop his hand, closing my eyes. The sound of the music is much louder on the dance floor, the vibrations pulsing through the floor. Without opening my eyes, I know Alex is inches away from me. I can feel the heat burning off his body. He confirms my thoughts as he places a hand on my waist, pulling my body towards his. My mind is becoming numb from the alcohol but I can still see Justin's face flash through my thoughts. The way his hands pressed into my body as he tried to force himself onto me. . .

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