Chapter Twelve.

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"No. . . No way!" I protest, yanking his arms off me. His eyes immediately widen in surprise along with his raised eyebrows. He doesn't say a word as I back myself away from him, hastily wiping away the tears on my cheeks.

"No?" He questions quietly, his words holding an icy tone to it. I nod my head, confirming it incase he didn't understand the first time.

"What's wrong, Alex? Don't get rejected often?" I murmur at him, feeling adrenaline run through my body. I expect him to grow angry at me, I expect to see darkness and fire in his eyes.

"I don't, actually."

"Well there's a first time for everything," I respond, lowering myself down until I'm sat on the street kerb opposite him. I need to put distance between us. I bend my knees, placing my head in my hands as I continue to watch him. I don't see the anger or frustration.

He looks emotionless, like an unreadable book.

"Are you going to force yourself on me now too? Because I said no?" I ramble, the effects of the alcohol going to my brain.

Shut up Ariana, don't let the vodka take over.

The damage is already done.

Alex pauses, his entire body becoming rigid. He narrows his eyes at me and that's when I notice the fire starting to burn inside his dark pupils.

"What did you just say?" He asks me quietly, his voice a low rumble. I let out an annoyed breath, drunken sassy Ariana becoming irritated at him for not listening the first time. It isn't that he didn't listen, he simply wants me to repeat my words.

"Why do people think it's okay to abuse their position in a relationship and take advantage? Do you understand the kind of pain that causes? Multiple years of anger, built up frustration, blaming ourselves for what happened?" I say furiously. At this point, I'm yelling.

Tears continue to stream down my cheeks and all I can feel is pain. So much pain in my heart. I inhale sharply, glancing up at the night sky. My dark hair tumbles down my back, tickling my bare skin from where my shirt is exposing my body. Memories come flooding back to me, memories that I'd buried so deep and so well. Justin's actions tonight caused the memories to come back to me as strong as ever, along with the pain.

My skin crawls and I feel dirty, ashamed.


I've completely forgotten Alex stood opposite me. I suck in a breath, blinking back tears as I slowly lower my head down. He's now standing a few feet away from me, eyes full of worry and concern. Behind his features, I can still see the flames of anger. They aren't as strong but still there. I scrunch my face up, unable to disguise the pain any longer.

"Can I sit next to you?" He asks quietly, looking as sober as ever. I don't understand how he can act and look so sober. I feel completely unstable and drunk, very drunk. I narrow my eyes at him, knowing they were filling with sadness.

"Are you going to try and come on to me again? Because I don't want that." I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut. Tears escape, rolling my cheeks.

"I'm not going to do anything to you that you don't want me to."

"I've heard those words Alex, so many times. It's hard for me to believe you. When I say no, that doesn't mean anything," I whisper, my heart squeezing with agony. I want to look away from him but I can't, my eyes are locked onto his. He's looking at me so intensely, I'm afraid I'll break from his stare.

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