Chapter Five.

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Ariana's POV -

"See you tomorrow, Ben." I smile, waving goodbye. The bell above the little coffee shop rings as I pull it open, stepping out into the dark night. The air is still warm, the smell of coffee beans lingering through it. I've just finished my shift and I'm on my way home, a hot chocolate firmly in my hand. Even though I work in a coffee shop, I hate coffee.

Not the scent, just the taste.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate, heading for my car in the parking lot. I pause in my tracks as I notice a figure leaning against my car with his hood up to cover his face. I inhale sharply, frowning in the dark as I try to make out his face. He's scrolling through his phone, his back resting comfortably on my drivers seat door.

"Justin?" I call out, narrowing my eyes in the dark. The figure pushes himself off my car and turns towards me, smiling. I break out into a grin and head towards him, my free hand outstretched.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I smile, embracing him awkwardly with one arm. My other hand is clutching my cup and car keys.

"I thought I'd surprise you after work. Good shift?" He asks, leaning towards me to peck my cheek. I nod, my dark hair bouncing around my shoulders.

"Just the usual. I accidentally spilled an entire jug of milk today. It was like a blood bath, just with milk." I grimace, pulling open my drivers door. Justin walks around the other side, pausing and looking at me intently.

"Are you still thinking about that night? It happened like two weeks ago now, Ariana."

I nibble on my lower lip, shaking my head at his words.

"Of course not, it was just a metaphor." I roll my eyes and slide into my seat, hoping he couldn't see my face. I lied.

I do still think about it, think about Alex.

I often wonder if he's okay, whether the stab wound is healing as it should.

"Is it cool if I stay over at yours? I was thinking pizza and a movie." Justin grins, changing the subject. I start the car, checking my mirrors before nodding.

"You know it is, my parents love you, Justin. Pizza and a movie sounds great." I say cheerily, disappointment settling inside my stomach. I hope he didn't sense it.

It's not that I don't enjoy staying in with him. . . Because I do. But lately, it's all we ever do.

"Why don't we try out that new club opening that's happening tonight? We could get the rest of the guys to come and meet us, it'll be fun." I suggest, slowing down at the changing traffic lights. The roads are deserted, only a few cars on their way home from a long day.

"I went out last night with the guys. I still feel hungover now." Justin groans, grimacing. I nod my head understandingly, holding in a heavy sigh.

"Pizza and a movie it is." I repeat, my smile slightly strained.


Halfway through the movie, Justin's hand starts to drift from my arm down to my waist. I watch it from the corner of my eye, my lips twitching up into a grin.

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