The Lake.

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"Just a few more steps. That's it, no peeking!"

Stephanie stood on what she thought was grass, her eyes covered with Matthew's hands as he led her to whatever mysterious surprise he had set up. Impatient, she bounced on the balls of her feet – part of her desperate to know what her husband had hidden up his sleeve. They'd driven in the car for about thirty minutes as far as she could tell and they had walked a decent way to get to this exact spot. Whatever he had to show her, it was obvious he had been planning this for a while as she didn't walk into a tree or a rock at all. Not that Matthew would ever do that deliberately but he would sometimes miss key details, hence why they worked together on theories. She could see things he could not and vice versa.

They had been working on scripts that morning yet something had seemed amiss with Matthew. Normally he was quite good at focusing on scripts, his strong work ethic shining through but this time he fidgeted. His typing would turn from methodical to agitated and he would start to tap rhythms on the side of his keyboard as he looked around impatiently. What he had been looking for was completely beyond Stephanie's understanding. Every so often she would look up from her Film Theory script and shoot a glare her husband's way, indicating that he should be quiet. It would work for a while but soon he got bored again and it started all over again.

Chris and Jason hadn't turned up to work yet and it concerned her. Every so often, she would ping a text to each of their phones asking about their whereabouts but she received nothing in return. She even texted Genev to see if she knew where Jason was but she didn't reply either which was unusual. Normally they texted back and forth quite a bit, just chatting and occasionally joking about their husbands antics. Yet she received nothing. Frowning, Stephanie wandered into the kitchen – looking for her teapot. If the day was going to start off stressful, she might as well enjoy some tea whilst she could. Browsing through her large array of tea bags, she selected one at random and popped it in her cup. Whilst it brewed, she ventured back into the main room in search of Matthew. Since she was standing up, she might as well see if he wanted a Diet Coke.

"Matthew, do you want a Diet Coke? Matthew? Where did that man go?"

The room was empty, the chair that Matthew had been sitting on now empty. She sighed, cursing the universe at its mockery of her. She tried to be nice. Then again, maybe the universe was trying to help her break Matthew of his Diet Coke addiction? Smirking at the thought, she checked behind the doors and under the table, just in case her husband was trying to jump scare her. He was a dork like that. No Matthew in sight. Shrugging, she walked back to the kitchen and was startled to see a thermos sitting on the kitchen counter with her tea inside it and a post-it note on the top of it. It reminded Stephanie of the post-it notes he used to leave for her as encouragement back when they lived in New York. A soft smile crept onto her face as she remembered them fondly, forever grateful that she had kept a hold of them all. The post-it note read:

"We're going on an adventure. Get in the car and bring your tea. Last one there is a rotten egg!"

Giggling at her husband's silly antics, Stephanie grabbed her coat from the hook and her tea from the counter. Checking she still had her phone and purse on her, she closed the back door behind her and walked around to the car. Matthew was already sat in the driver's seat, tapping on the steering wheel and humming a tune as he waited for her. She walked slowly, not wanting to disturb her husband but also wanting to listen to his tuneful humming – she loved his voice. It soothed her when nothing else would. Opening the car door, she climbed into the passenger's seat and placed her tea in the pocket of the door. She turned to Matthew with a smile on her face, gesturing for him to begin whatever adventure he had planned. If this was all an elaborate ruse just for her to come buy Diet Coke or tacos with him, then he was definitely sleeping on the couch that night.

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