lets really begin

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                                         Chapter 2


                                     ~lets really begin~

   I was in the eighth grade. that was also the time I realized I wanted to hurt people but I was smart enough to keep it inside. I had plenty of friends and my sister Yasmine went to the same school as me while my older sister,Monique,was in high school.

   those days where alright but it was a good amount of people. as something you should know I really do not enjoy the company of any person what so ever. as the days went on I noticed that I was more angry than I thought. all little things angered me. those mimicking sounds of your friends just teasing you for little unnecessary reasons as they said they where "just kidding" or you find out they weren't much of a secret holder than you thought. those small things made me feel like they tried to test me to see how angry I got until I ripped their heads off. I just couldn't stand those small things, even you might think I was dramatic. but anyways moving on.

   it was finally over, eighth grade, and I was finally getting away from them,my "friends" that I come to realize I hated them all along and I would never ever miss them. My summer was whatever, nothing that I need to explain but just two months of TV and gaining weight each day by doing nothing and eating all the junk food I can possibly have.

   Fast forward to the beginning of high school. it was day 1 and I wasn't really nervous. I planned to have no friends and talk to no one. as I walked to the main entrance I saw about millions of people there. it wasn't like middle school or elementary. they didn't have separate classes to keep different grades from each other. I couldn't take it. so I knew that this will be my year. the year where everybody will get what they deserved.

   I walked into my first class. I was taking English 9. My teacher was white and very tall. She began to take roll and I was the first to be called. "Jacqueline Arkas!" She shouted. I raised my hand. when she saw me she looked disgusted and said "what an unusual name for a Mexican". then she started calling other names. I already didn't like her she was races and seemed to only like white people with blond hair. and I was opposite Mexican and brown hair.

   My second class was world geography,Spanish 1,algebra 1,pe, then earth science. My other teachers where all white but weren't races. but they where all old as if they where there their whole life. once the bell rang I walked outside to walk home. everybody was pushing and crowding each other. I had to keep stopping in back of people cause they stood there as if there was nobody else that tried to leave. when I finally left the crowd of people I began walking on the street that I lived on, Chex avenue. I got to my door and opened it. no one was home but me and my dog Princess.

   I was tired so I went into my room and fell asleep from a long boring day. when I woke up I heard my mom screaming at Monique to get her stuff from the floor. that's all I ever heard my mom yelling and my sister's always fighting. I was always in my room and I never liked coming out, I didn't like my family either even though they where all I had. I didn't plan on doing my homework. it was normal not to. I don't think that makes sense when your at school doing work and you have to come home to do more. it never ends. so instead I turned on my iPod and listened to music. I turned my favorite song on to distract the noise. it was at my favorite part to "kill people burn sh**, f*** school, I'm f***n radical...". the music started to faint when I pulled the ear plugs out my ear after my mom walked in to tell me to do some chores.

   I got up and vacumed the whole entire house like she said. if I didn't do it she would throw an object at me. and I wasn't going to take the chances of getting hit by an empty beer bottle. My mom was watching me as she sat on the couch with a cigarette in one hand and a news paper in the other. I was all she had, my sister Monique was 21 and moved out a year ago. She was tired of being around my mom always nagging her for food even though my mom could cook. My little sister Yasmine also moved with her, Monique didn't think such a young girl should live in a house with beer bottles and cigarette smoke floating around. but they didn't want me to come with them, just like my dad they hated me for no reason.

   When I was done I went back in my room and listened to music. I was thinking that I shouldn't be living like this but I had to stay I had no where to go. but I remembered the time when I was in my car ,when my mom wasn't drinking and wasn't as depressed as she is now, I seen this abandoned house that was up a hill and no one ever seemed to live there. so I had a plan to leave. I was sure enough not going back to high school and living with my mom. I though of leaving at night where my mom would be asleep and no questions would be asked.


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