can't stop

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                                              Chapter 5

                                           ~can't stop~

   Days passed and I couldn't stop thinking of Ashton. all I could remember was his sparkling brown eyes when I looked at him and his voice. it was the second time I seen him. the first time I didn't think nothing of it till I talked to him and made eye contact. I never felt this way about anybody, I've always hated everything and everyone. but this was different something I couldn't explain.

   While I was distracted of a thought I found myself walking down the stairs. for who knows what but since I'm down here I might as well check on the girl.

   I walked in and I saw her sitting there,starved and finally awake. She was going to die some how. the girl tried to kill me or something why would I feed her? She looked at me and tried to open her mouth but was to weak since she was dehydrated,"your never going to get away with this". I stood there for a moment. then said "oh really...then why isn't anybody looking for you". I walked out and closed the door. behind me I heard her yelling, "please. please let me out I will do whatever you need...I won't tell them where your at or what you did to me. just please I'm begging you!!!". either way I was never going to let her out. I don't trust her. She was never sorry. She just needed to get out of here. I finally decided to just wait till she died. no one seemed to be looking for her or notice she was gone. seems like she was just another me, unwanted. but we all have different problems, hers weren't mine to care for.

   More days passed and she was at the end of the string. She could barely even speak from the lack of food and water she had. but all I could think of was that guy, Ashton. it was all I ever thought about...also when that girl would die but that was the least of my worries, actually not a worry at all. but I couldn't take it I had to see him. I just had to.

   I walked out the door and wandered the streets hoping he would come by again. I stayed out for hours and hours. it was seven p.m. I decided to walk back home. maybe I'll try tomorrow. hopefully he would be around.

   I went into my room and fell asleep. the next morning I woke up and did the same thing, but still nothing. where could he be? for days I tried to look. still nothing. along those days the girl finally died and I buried her a couple feet beside the other guy I had killed. and once again I felt a smile come along for what I have done. all this anger came out and finally went some where. all this smiling made me realize how evil I was. I enjoyed the sight of dead bodies and blood. I was...a murderer. a young one too. I also seemed to be proud of that.


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