dark night

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                                            Chapter 3

                                          ~dark night~

   It was night and I had everything packed in a back pack. I didn't have much to take I never really had much cause I never went any where to buy stuff. as I crept across my hall I turned to the left to see my mom asleep laying down snoring with her arm hanging off the bed. when I passed I finally got to the door. when I was about to open the door I looked back at the kitchen that was right  on the left of me with no walls to cover. I slowly walked over and stuffed as much food as I could into my back pack. I walked back to the door and slowly unlocked the locks and tip toed out the door.

   As I walked down the drive way then down Chex avenue I tried not to look at the gang that was selling drugs at the corner. I wasn't a snitch and tell the cops. but first impressions didn't tell you that.

   I walked for about two more miles and I was finally about to turn up to the long drive way where there was a gate covering it. I made sure no one would see me passing the gate. when I got to the porch I slowly opened the door and it creaked open. I walked in and ever step I took the floor would make a faint squeaking sound. I stopped walking, "hello!" I said. knowing it was abandoned I still had to make sure. I got no reply back just moving small clicking steps on the floor. I began looking around the house and found a room on the second floor. there was a mistress that was against the wall and curtains being blown by the opened window. I put my stuff down and headed toward the window to close it.

   I layed on the bed with a blanket I took from my old house. when I closed my eyes I heard foot steps coming down the hall. I opened my eyes and got up and grabbed my back pack and reached fir the pocket knife I had. silence filled the room. then this tall really dirty man with rotten teeth and dirty ripped clothes. "hellloww" he gave a little chuckle. "who are you!?" I shouted. "shouldn't I be asking you...what are you doing here...glad I finally have some...company". he said with a roar of laughter at the end. "get away from me...I'll...hurt you...stand back!!!"."ohhhhh like you possibly can...with that small little knife of yours" finishing his sentence he came closer moving his hand and moved my bangs out of my face. as my reaction I stabbed the guy right in the gut and he gave a loud scream. but no one could here him. I stabbed him again. repeatedly till he was out of breath.

   He layed there on the ground with blood gushing out of his side and stomach. I cleaned my knife and placed it in my pocket. I left the room to make sure no one else was there. no one. I went back in the room that I was in and looked at the dead body. how do I get this dead guy out of here? I thought. there was acres of land outside so I decided to drag his body down the stairs. careless of his head banging on the steps. I dragged him out the back door and digged a hole in the ground. it took me all night till it was six in the morning. I wasn't worried about the time since I had nothing else to do and no where to go since I dropped out of high school after the first day.

   I pushed the body in the hole and placed the dirt back in. it took me more than half of the time then it took me digging it. I headed back into my new house. surprisingly the water still worked, so I took a shower to wash all the blood and dirt off of me.

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