Chapter Three

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"Matt?! What happened?! What happened to your clothes?!" My brother yelled throughout the small apartment that we shared together. I look down, "I got into a fight, the kid kept saying mean things about you so I taught him a lesson!" I tell the last part, looking up to a smiling big brother. "Did you win?" I nod, "I'm proud, someday that'I'll become a big difference on the world in the future, and maybe you'll even teach people that black can be a beautiful color." I smile.

I wake up, feeling a cold rush hit me. Shivering, I get up and walk down stairs looking for Tsubaki. "Tsubaki? Are you down here?" I walk into the kitchen and see Tsubaki laying in a chair, with his head on the table. I smile, walking over and lightly touching Tsubaki, his eyes open quickly, grabbing my hand. "Tsubaki- ow!" I yell as his grip tightens, Tsubaki suddenly wakes from his trance and lets go of my hand. Standing up, he walks up the stairs, not one word coming out of his mouth. I question him sometimes, I decided that he may want some privacy, so I let him go. I walk into my living room, taking a seat down on my couch, "I wonder what his problem was?" "Who's problem?" A voice I haven't heard before had appeared from behind me, making me turn quickly. A man with pink hair stood in front of me, he looked as if he wanted to be some pink clown. "Careful you'll get whiplash!" I stare him down, "Who the hell are you? And how did you get into my house?" He laughs, "You left your door unlocked, remember? I snuck in then, I was going to save him from you, but he had made a Contract with you, so." I sigh, "That was then? Why are you here, now?" He points to me, and smiles.

"I want to kill you, but first... what's your name?" Kill? The hell does he mean by kill? I get up from my couch and run for the stairs, only to be grabbed by my neck and flung to my wall, being pinned to it, like a tac. "You honestly think that you can run from me? You underestimated me kid, this is why I am favorited by Tsubaki as his favorite subclass!" He laughs, he suddenly grabs a sword from his sleeve and brings it my throat. And here I'm thinking that Tsubaki would be the death of me. He had said something about a favorited subclass, "W-what is a s-subclass?" I said trying to take breaths, as I was pinned to the fucking wall. "Belkia what the hell are you doing here?" A familiar voice springing from behind a certain someone, who happens to be choking the crap out of me. The so called, Belkia had let me go, I wheeze air, like I had been drowning and begging for air. I look up seeing Tsubaki, "Tsubaki? What the hell is going on? Who the hell is this?!" I point to the idiot, that tried to kill me. Tsubaki smiled, "Sorry, sorry! This is my subclass Belkia." I look to Belkia and his stare at me was, weird? "Whats a subclass?" I said looking back to Tsubaki, getting on my feet as well. Tsubaki smiled, "When a person is on the verge of death, a servamp may give blood to the victim, turning them into a vampire servant." I laugh, "You sure chose a wise choice for a subclass, I mean look at him," I pointed at his clothes, "he looks like a pink clown from the circus." Belkia gasped at the comment I had left. "I am a magician! Not some lousy clown!" I scoff, Tsubaki laughed as I walked over to him, staring into his eyes. Puffing my cheeks out, because I'm having to look up to Tsubaki. I huff, "You had me worried this morning about you, you totally ignored me and just walked up to the bedroom like you were pissed or sick!" I said getting a bit too angry. Tsubaki laughed, "Oh!~ I sleep walk, but it's really rare for me to, this is probably the last of that." He smiles, making cheeks heat up.

"Also aren't we seeing that family of yours?" Tsubaki smiled, "Of course!~ I love your energy, I think you'll get along with Mahiru!" Mahiru? "Whose Mahiru?" Belkia swung his arm around my shoulder, "He is a very important person to Tsubaki!~" he said wiggling his eyebrows, "Now, now. He's not as important as my Matt-kun~" I sigh, walking away, hiding the blush that had creeped its way onto my face. "I'll go get ready." I said walking up to my room and getting some causal clothes on, since today was the weekend. I walk back down, grabbing a breakfast drink. Tsubaki had been sitting down on the couch with Belkia, talking. They looked like they had been gossiping, they sure do look like the type to gossip over an episode of a tv show. I snicker to myself, Tsubaki turning around, smiling at me.

"You look amazing in your outfit today!~" I blush, "Whatever, let's just go." Tsubaki nodded, smiling.

Mahiru's POV-ish (Cause I love you)

"Goddammit! Kuro! What the hell?!" I yelled, throwing a noddle cup at Kuro. "You can't leave your noodle cups around the apartment! You keep trashing this place, you'll kick both of us out!" Kuro sighed, "So troublesome, I could die." I huffed, "Nevermind." I walked back in the kitchen and started to wash up the rest of the dishes in the sink. I had been cleaning extra, because all of my friends were coming over today. A door bell rang, breaking my thought process. I ran to the door, with a towel drying my hands off, before I had opened the door. I open the door, seeing everybody, "Hey guys! Glad you guys could come" Everybody smiles and enters the room, everybody immediately taking a seat on the ground or the rest of the couch. I finish up the dishes and walk into the living room, "Okay so I have some special stuff for today! Let's have some fun!" I smile taking a seat right beside Kuro and Sakuya. I look over to Sakuya, "Hey, how's Tsubaki doing by the way?" Sakuya looked from the window, to me.

"I haven't heard from him for a while, he ran away, and left me on a rooftop, so I could careless what happened to him," Sakuya wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "besides you should forget about him and that cat of yours and hang with me more!~" I roll my eyes, getting out of Sakuya's arm. I look to everybody and smirking, "Does anybody want to play Truth or Dare?" I Look to everyone giving me a bitch face, "Well I wanted to play a game that everybody can play, and this is what I came up with. It's simple and fun to play." Everybody sighs. "Well as long as I don't do anything ridiculous, then I am chill with anything." Licht said, looking at Hyde. "Okay, so who will go first?" Before somebody could say a name or anything, the bell rang. I look around, seeing everybody. Misono, Lily, Licht, Lawless, Tetsu, Hugh, Kuro, and Sakuya. Who else could possibly be ringing the bell?

I get up and head for the door, opening it. My mouth widens, "Tsubaki?!" As I had yelled those words, a boy popped out from behind Tsubaki, he had black hair and black eyes, he looked normal and simple. My eyes roll back to Tsubaki, "What the hell are you doing here?" Tsubaki smiles, "Well I haven't seen my friends and family in a long time, so..." I sigh, "Who is he?" I said, pointing to the boy, behind Tsubaki. "Oh, Matt? He's my eve." I blink, "Eve?" "Yep!" Tsubaki said overly happy. I move myself out of the way for Tsubaki and his eve to come in. I walk into the living room, making a blank face, Tsubaki and his eve following. "Tsubaki?! And who is that?!" Misono and Lawless yelling in unison. I sigh, "Yep, Tsubaki and that," I said pointing to his eve, "is his eve. His name is Matt? Yeah, Matt." Everybody gasps, except Kuro and Lily. "So troublesome, I could die." Kuro had said with a blank expression, like always. Lily, however was in awe, "He's so adorable!" Lily said grabbing Matt and squeezing his cheeks, "he's so cute!~ You are so lucky, little brother.~" Tsubaki smiles, "Aren't I?" Lily and Tsubaki share a laugh. I notice that Matt was blushing a lot, "Matt," Matt looked at me, "Sit beside me? Scoot Sakuya, Newbies before howies." Sakuya gasped, covering his heart with his hand, but scooted over with a puffy face.

Matt hesitantly sat down beside me, "It's okay I don't bite!" Kuro looked over and scoffed, "Yeah you do, and man does it hurt." I blush Ferociously, "Kuro!" I hit the top of his head, "Shut up!" Huffing and turning back to Matt, "Ignore him, he is a lazy sore in the ass." I said smiling, Matt smiled back, god did he have a beautiful smile! "It's fine, at least he's not like Tsubaki, he's always making me frustrated and stuff." He sighing. I laugh, getting everyone's attention. I notice the stares and clear my throat, "Where were we? Oh yes. Matt, we were about to play Truth or Dare, want to play?" Matt smiled, but looked down, "I know what it is, but I've never played." I smile, "That's fine, we'll give you an example, um..." I said looking at everyone, I spotted Tetsu looking at Misono, I smirked. "Tetsu !" Tetsu jumped and looked at me, "Truth or dare!" He sighed, "Do I have to?" I nodded, "Truth, then." I look to Matt, "Do you want to say the truth?" He thinks, and then nods. "If you could ask anybody in here for a challenge, then who'd it be?" Tetsu looked at me and glared, I gulp. "Misono, because he's short." Misono snapped at Tetsu causing everybody to laugh, "Who you calling short you, Sasquatch!" Matt laughs, causing him to cover his mouth as everybody stares at him.

Suddenly a knock is heard in my window, "What the hell?"
What's up with these interruptions and knocking sounds?!" I open my window, seeing C3 standing outside of my window. "What is C3 doing here?"

"Hey, can we speak to Mahiru-kun?"

Word count: 1807
Hey guys! Author-chan here again! I had updated once more and I even slipped Mahiru's pic just for you! I hope you liked the cliffhanger (-ish) ending! I thought is was pretty cool.

Love you! Remember Author-chan loves you!!❤️

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