Chapter Five

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Matt's POV

I slowly adjust my eyes to a bright light gleaming through the curtains of the apartment complex. I lift my head up, looking for the alarm clock in the apartment, not finding one. I get out of the bed, not seeing Tsubaki anywhere. Where could he possibly gone to, this time? Just as I was about to head for the door, the door opened, entering an angry Tsubaki.

"What's wrong?" I try to at least lift the mood, but instead I was sent a glare. I could just demand him to tell me what's wrong, but that would be low, even for me. "Do you know what time it is?" Tsubaki looks at me, then looks out the window, the silent treatment? What the hell did I do to him? "Hey, what the hell did I do to ma-" Tsubaki interrupted me saying, "It's 8:34." My eyes widen.

"Crap! I totally forgot!" I grab onto Tsubaki hand, "I need to get to my house really fast, can you please help me?" He looked at me, without an expression. "I am your servamp, I have to comply to everything you say." I gulp, what had been bothering Tsubaki the last night? Is it because of C3? "I need your help, take me to my house, please?" He stood up from the couch, I hadn't realized he sat on, and picked me up bridal style. My face heating up completely, he opens the back door to the outside deck, with his feet on the edge of the deck, he jumps off with me in his arms, whom happened to be screaming my ass off, cause of such heights.

I close my eyes as we start to reach the ground, it felt like forever and I hadn't felt us land, I open my eyes and we had been soaring through the sky. The sky had a orange tint to the pretty blue the sky had been for years, I had almost forgotten about what I had been worked up for, until a striking pain hits the side of my stomach. I scream in pain, grabbing the side of my stomach and shutting my eyes forcefully.

Suddenly, I felt us land and I open my eyes almost immediately. I see that we land in front of my door, I grab it opening it right away. I run in, running upstairs and into my room, I lay down in the floor getting something from under the bed. I grab a box with a black rose on the top, opening the box. I pull out the needle and a small tube of liquid. I push the tube into the needle and quickly Plunge the needle into my arm, forgetting that Tsubaki had been standing at the door the whole time.

"What the hell is that?" I look up, Tsubaki looking at me with his eyelids slightly closed. "Um..its uh," he taps his foot on the floor impatiently, waiting for my response. "It's for a really bad condition I have. I've had it since I was born, I have to take a needle and plunge liquid into my arm to keep me from having- dying." Tsubaki walked forward, I didn't know why, but I had the feeling that he wanted to slap me or something. Instead of what I had thought would be a slap, I had gotten a hug. "Tsubaki, what's wrong?" He let go, bringing up my chin, a blush creeping on my face. He leaned down, until the door bell rang.

"I'll get it." Tsubaki walks out of my room walking down the stairs, and out of my eye sight. What the hell just happened?! Did he try to k-kiss me?!
No, no, no.  He was checking my eyes for dust, right? Ugh so annoying!! I quickly run down stairs heading for the door, looking up to no Tsubaki. "Tsubaki?" I walk outside not seeing him anywhere, I walk back into the house and look into the kitchen, "Tsubaki?" Nobody. I walk into the living room, "Tsubaki? Come on this isn't funny, it's fucking stupid!" Nobody. I run outside once more, "Tsubaki?!" I run into the road, looking back and forth, but not finding Tsubaki anywhere. My eyes start to water, I run back inside, grabbing my phone and keys. I run back outside, locking the door, and running straight to Mahiru's hotel. I couldn't possibly care about anything else, I had to find Tsubaki. No, I HAVE to find Tsubaki.

I take a turn off of my road, running into somebody. I look up seeing...Kuro?  I get back up, "Kuro? Why are you here? Where's Mahiru?" Kuro averts his eyes, looking back up to me, sighing. "I was hoping you would know, I can't find him anywhere, and he can't be away from me- by the way where's Tsubaki?" I look down, "I can't find him anywhere, there was a knock at my door and now I can't find him." Kuro's eyes shot up, "Did you say a knock? There was a knock at the door, before Mahiru disappeared as well!" I eyes pop open, both Tsubaki and Mahiru were kidnapped?! "Who would kidnap them?!" Kuro put his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, we don't know for sure if they were kidnapped, they could be hanging out as really good buddies." I give Kuro a bitch face, "Are you fucking with me right now? Clearly, dumb-ash they were taken. The knock, both of them being taken?!" He sighed, "I was trying to bring up the mood, "Well you didn't." Kuro looks up, "Who do you think did this type of crime?" I looked closely at Kuro, his red eyes had been shining in the light, his light blue hair had been flowing through the (out of nowhere) wind, he was actually good looking, Kuro looks at me breaking my intense stare. "Hello? Earth to Matt?" I roll my eyes, "I don't know, may-" Suddenly my eyes shoot open, "I may be wrong, but what about C3?"

Kuro's eyes lowered, showing no color. "They better hope that they don't have hands on Mahiru." Kuro sure does have a heart for Mahiru. "Kuro, do you like Mahiru?" Suddenly Kuro face reddened. I gasp, "Oh my god! You do!" He shushed me, "Be quiet, what if C3 is still here?" I smirked, "Yeah, okay."

I notice that the sun had been going down quickly, "Come on into my house, it's getting late. You can stay over the night, we need to find a plan on trying to find them." I walk to my house, what happened to be not that far from where I bumped into Kuro.

I open my door back once more, letting Kuro in first, letting myself in as well, closing the door behind me. I walk into my living room, thinking about why C3 would want Tsubaki and Mahiru.

Why would C3 want Tsubaki? Especially how his black hair would glisten in the moon light and how his red eyes would bring out such beauty he had, and how- I slap myself. I had been thing of Tsubaki in such a way, I didn't know why.

Kuro comes into the room with a piece of paper and a pen, "Let's get started."

Hey guys sorry about not updating soon enough! I've been busy with school and stuff, but I updated so yay!! Also while finishing up on the story, a fucking spider got on me, I screamed so hard, my mom came in and was like, what? And I had told her a spider was on me, and she was like ha, and now I'm paranoid about things 😰 but anyways I'll try to update soon enough!

Hope you liked the chapter! ❤️
Author-chan loves you! 

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