Chapter Four

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Matt's POV

"Can we speak to Mahiru-Kun?"

Everbody's attention was on C3 and as well as Mahiru. I didn't know what C3 wanted with Mahiru, or what C3 was at all, but I knew it wasn't going to end well. I mean the tensions between the two sides, both servamp and C3 were...dark? I look over to Tsubaki, but his attention was on neither me nor C3, he was looking down at his lap, his widen eyes, his shaking body. I put my hand on his knee, "Are you okay, Tsubaki?" Tsubaki looked up, eyes looked as if they could break any second. "Y-yes," he clears his throat, "I'm fine." He gets up and walks out the door. I look back to see not only Mahiru's, but everybody's attention on me. A blush creeps onto my face, "Um, he just needed some fresh air." I look to Mahiru, his gaze was not on me anymore, but in his servamp, Kuro.

C3 still standing behind the window, the only thing keeping us from breathing the same air, knocked once more. I stand up, walk over to the window and close the curtains. "It was too quiet. Sorry." I said smiling at Mahiru. Mahiru returned the smile, "Its no problem, I was going to deny them anyways, but I'd go check on your servamp if I was you." I gasp, running out through the open door, but not before saying, "Thank you! I had fun, and I know Tsubaki did too!" I smiled, running out into the hallway, taking a turn, running down the stairs, tripping only once.

I finally reach the lobby and see Tsubaki leaning against the doors, "Tsubaki, I thought that you had left me-" Suddenly Tsubaki wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me. I wrap my arms back around him as well, patting his back after I thought a minute was enough, however Tsubaki didn't let go.
"Is there something wrong? Did something happen?" I try to ask him questions, but I only get a quiet response. I sigh, hugging him tighter, he grunts. I laugh, "Did I squeeze you too hard?" He looks up, our faces barely apart, I blush intensely, making Tsubaki laugh, backing away. I puff out my cheeks, "That wasn't funny, you got too close." He leaned down, lightly laughing, "Awe, is someone mad?" I huff, walking out the door, "Of course not, why would I be?" I run out, not looking on the ground I hear a Splat, I look down, seeing blood. I eyes widen, I open my mouth to squeal but Tsubaki slaps his hand onto my mouth, keeping me quiet. "Shh, be quiet." He slowly drags me to a corner.

Suddenly, a grey looking creature appears before Tsubaki's and my eyes. He had a hunch on his back, his eyes were big and wide, he kept saying the same phrase over and over again. "Blood is red." I take in a deep breath, quickly regretting that decision, as it grabbed the attention of the creature. He ran up to my face, he sniffed around, but looked really disappointed as he turned back around, he runs back around to the spot I had happened to step into the blood at, and he pulls a body out, pink hair suddenly being visible. As the body was entirely pulled out, it was clear to see the dead body had belonged to Belkia. What the hell?! I look up to Tsubaki, his eyes tearing up, his eyes glaring at the creature before him. I look back. No, I can't just leave Belkia like that, even if he did try to kill me, I still have to try. Suddenly my arm started to glow, my bow had appeared out of nowhere, getting the full attention of the thing.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to die?!" I ignore Tsubaki's words, I bring my bow up and pull the string back, bringing my bow back down, looking straight at the thing. The grey creature launches itself at me, slowly I let the string go, and a arrow appears shooting right into the creatures head. "Dead." I say, I run over to Belkia and shake him, trying to wake him up, slapping him out of frustration. "Come on, wake the fuck up!!" After those words, Belkia shot right up and gasped, like he needed air, but he's a vampire, so he doesn't need it. I sigh, I look over to Tsubaki with widen eyes, "What's wrong?" Tsubaki smiles, "Nothing. Nothing at all." I smile, hearing him mumble something, but I just ignored it and looked back at Belkia. "I'm glad your okay. That thing," I say pointing to the creature laying dead on the ground, "attacked you pretty bad." Belkia smiled, "Yes, yes. I know, the damn thing attacked me out of nowhere and started saying some random shit. I'm lucky I was rescued by you. C3 would've had-" I suck in a breath, "What?!" Belkia looked at me like I was crazy, when it was exactly the other way around.

"What did you say?! You said something about C3?!" Belkia nodded, "Why?" I look to Tsubaki having no sense of conscience in his eyes, "They wanted to see Mahiru while me and Tsubaki were in his apartment, but what I don't get is why they're stacking vampires." I bit my lip, trying to think until Tsubaki breaks my thought process, "They want to kill the vampire race, so they have mutated things that attack our subclass and that allowing it to kill our subclass." I gasp, "That's awful! But if that's what they wanted, why did they want to talk or see Mahiru?" Tsubaki looked at me, "I don't know, but I know that if they do get a chance, something bad is going to happen." I gulp, "I think we need to hurry and get home, it's getting late." I look at Belkia, whom had disappeared. "Well that takes care of him, what about you?" Tsubaki looked at me, "Let's get a hotel." I blush, "Just the two of us?" He nodded, I nodded back in reply, he grabbed my hand and walked into the Apartment complex we had come out of earlier. He walks up to the counter and asks for a room, she nods and gives him a key. She didn't even ask for anything, she just nodded and thanked him, what the hell?! I shake my head forgetting about that, we need to pay attention to the fact that C3 is attacking sub class, and targeting Mahiru as well. He unlocks the door to our room, and we enter.

"Looks nice." He sits down on the couch, looking out the window. He really likes Mahiru, doesn't he? I look over only seeing one bed, blushing. "You don't have to worry about me going to sleep, I don't need to because I'm a vampire and I can go a week without sleep." I frown, so he is just going to stay up huh? I slowly get in the bed, and fall alseep, forgetting about the stupid school I had to go to, tomorrow.

Word count: 1189

Hey guys, Author-chan here!! Sorry if the story seemed a little or a lot rushed!! I just wanted to say that I hope that you guys like this chapter and that you guys deserve so much love. I love you.

And if any of you need any advice on how to make a book or any other advice about life just DM me my man! ❤❤ Luv u!!

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