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Chapter3: Christmas

Jimmy awoke in a bed in the Hospital Wing. He looked around to see his father sleeping in a nearby chair.


Snape jerked awake and smiled at his son.

“How are you feeling, munchkin?”


He kissed the boy’s forehead.

“Good. Poppy said you’ll be out of here by lunchtime today.”

Several students were relieved to see Jimmy at his father’s side at lunch. Snape caught Umbridge leering at his son.

“Jimmy, why don’t you go sit with Grandpa Albus and Aunt Minnie?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

The boy rather happily trotted over to Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. Dumbledore smiled warmly and scooped the child up into his lap. Jimmy giggled as his grandfather cuddled him briefly. He loved the Headmaster’s cuddles and soaked up the old man’s affection.

Christmas time finally came, and Harry, Draco, Ron, Fred, George, and Jimmy went to Gimmauld Placeto celebrate. Harry was able to convince Lucius to read the muggle story The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve before they went to bed. Jimmy was snuggled happily in his uncle’s lap as the blond read the story.

“Uncle Lucius! Aunt Cissy! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” Jimmy squealed early the next morning, running into the elder Malfoys’ room.

“Sweetheart, it’s early yet,” Narcissa said.

Lucius ignored his nephew and rolled over onto his stomach with a groan, burying his head under his pillow. The boy refused to be ignored and leaped onto the bed and onto the man’s back. He grunted but refused to move. He was warm, comfortable, and it was too early to get up yet.

“Uncle Lucius,” the tyke whined.

His response was to hold the pillow tighter over his head in an attempt to block out the little voice that begged for his attention.


“It’s too early,” he mumbled.

“But... it’s Christmas.”

His heart broke at the sad voice. He sighed, removed his head from under his pillow, and looked at the boy.

“I’ll tell you what, go back to sleep for another hour, then we’ll get up.”

Jimmy perked up and settled between his aunt and uncle, falling back asleep. Lucius was soon asleep himself. Narcissa smiled, staying awake for a few moments. Her husband loved the boy and hated to see him upset in any way. She gave each a kiss on the forehead and drifted off.

Draco and Harry wandered from their shared room about an hour and a half, yawning.

“My guess is Jimmy went to wake Mum and Dad like he did at the Manor last year.”

They went to Lucius and Nacrissa’s room and smiled. Jimmy lay between the elder Malfoys, snuggled firmly against Lucius’ chest.

“Awww,” Harry said.

Draco snickered softly. Harry was thinking how cute the scene was while Draco was thinking about how much blackmail and embarrassment material there was against his father. How he wished he had his camera on him to take pictures of the scene to use later against his father. Lucius had some much humiliating things to blackmail him with it wasn’t even funny, and finally, here was an opportunity to get back at his father, even just a little.

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