Dealing with the Dursleys

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As the school year started winding down to a close, Lucius and Severus began making plans to confront and punish the Dursleys for their treatment of Harry. While they were doing so, Dumbledore worked on transferring the blood wards from Privet Drive Number 4 to the Snape Manor so that Harry would still be protected by them.

After the students had departed on the Hogwarts Express, Harry and Draco among them, Severus and Lucius went to the Headmaster’s office.

“I take it that you two have a plan for dealing with the Dursleys?” Dumbledore asked, his face serious and grave and his eyes lacking their usual twinkle.

“Yes, Headmaster. They will pay for their neglect and abuse of Harry.”

“Very well. Just don’t kill them.”

The two men nodded and left the castle, walking out of the grounds so they could apparate. They apparated near Privet Drive Number 4 and transfigured their robes into muggle clothes.

“Ready, brother?” Lucius asked.

“Yes,” Severus replied, his eyes hard.

They went up to the house, and Lucius knocked. Petunia answered the door, and despite the years that had passed, recognized Severus.

“You! You’re that Snape boy! You’re the one who took my sister away, you freak!”

The potions master scowled, and Lucius beat him to replying.

“We’re sorry to bother you, Mrs. Dursley, but we’re here to speak to you about your nephew, Harry Potter. May we come in?”

She reluctantly let them in and led them to the living room whereVernonandDudleywere watching tv.

“Who are you?”Vernonasked.

“I am Lucius Malfoy, and my companion here is Severus Snape, Potions Professor at Hogwarts.”

The man’s face turned a little red.

“You’re one of them! Get out of my house, you unnatural freaks!”

Now Lucius’ face hardened, and his silver eyes flashed.

“Unnatural? You call us unnatural, yet you are the one who neglected and abused a child, your own nephew, simply because he was different and had abilities you didn’t understand. Magic has been around since the dawn of creation, it is no more unnatural than breathing. However, neglect and abuse, on the other hand, are not what you would call ‘natural’. To neglect and abuse a person, let alone a child, is a crime. To do so to a family member is even worse. It goes against every aspect of family. Yet you’ve done it for years, and all because you didn’t understand and feared what he was capable of, what he was. Wizard or not, Harry is just as much of a human being as anyone else. Your actions towards him have made you something a little less than a proper human.”

Vernon’s face turned red with anger.

“Now see here! How dare you say such a thing to me?!”

Severus, who had been willing to let Lucius do most, if not all, of the talking, spoke, or rather snarled.

“He dares because it is true. You’ve committed a crime, Dursley, in neglecting and abusing Harry. We don’t take kindly to abusers.”

They both drew their wands, andVernonturned white, Petunia screamed, andDudleytried to run. Lucius cast a spell that would keep them in the living room.

“Not so fast, boy. You’ve had a hand in this as well. Harry told us you like to take your friends ‘Harry Hunting’ and use him like a punching bag.”

The boy scuttled back to his parents, trying to hide behind them.

“Now you shall see what two former Death Eaters can do,” Severus growled.

He cast a spell that boundVernon’s hands and feet together, causing him to fall.


“Care to do the honors, brother?”

A cruel smile spread across Lucius’ face that made Petunia shiver. The Malfoy patriarch stepped over to the fallenVernonand shoved a handkerchief into his mouth to gag him.

“Now, Dursley, you will know what it’s like to be hurt and not be able to fight back, just as you did to Harry.”

He aimed his wand at the fat man.


Even through the gag, they could make outVernon’s screams of pain. After a few moments, Lucius stopped. He looked down at the man, waiting until his breathing calmed somewhat, then delivered a vicious kick to the ribs that knocked the breath out of him.

“Now it’s your turn, Severus.”

The potions master freedVernonand looked at the family, his black eyes filled with anger, hate, and disgust.

“For your actions, each night you will dream of what Harry went through while in your... ‘care’, from his point of view. Your neighbors and all other around will finally see you for the wretched people you really are.”

With a flick of his wand he made it so.

“No! Please, take the curse away!” Petunia pleaded.

Black and silver eyes looked at her coldly. There was no pity in those eyes, only loathing.

“You have brought this upon yourself for your treatment of Harry. Pray God forgives you, because we don’t.”

The two wizards then left, apparating to Hogsmeade.

“Mad-Eye’s picking up the boys. He has a portkey that will take him to the manor,” Severus said as he and Lucius began walking back to the school.


They walked in silence for a few minutes.

“Are you and Narcissa going to be staying atGrimmauld Place?”

“No. There are too many reminders of Sirius, and it feels rather empty without him.”

The potions master nodded in understanding.

“You’re welcome to stay at the manor with us. I think all our boys would like that.”

Lucius smiled.

“I think they would, too. Thank you, brother.”

“You’re welcome.”

The boys were overjoyed to hear that they would all be living together, and it heartened the adults to see them so happy again. The loss of Sirius had weighed heavily on all their hearts, even Jimmy’s, so it was wonderful to see them truly smile again.

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