The Second Prophecy

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“Focus, Harry. You must focus or you will gain nothing.”

Harry sat panting.

“I’m trying, Dad.”

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.

“I know. Look, we’ll try again tomorrow night. Floo Lucius, he should be able to give you some tips.”

Harry nodded and stood.


“Goodnight, son.”

He went back toGriffyndorTower. Severus sighed and went to his own room. He had just changed into his pajamas when Jimmy wandered in.

“You’re supposed to be asleep, little man.”

“I had a bad dream,” the boy whimpered, clutching the stuffed lion Sirius had given him.

Severus scooped up his little boy and took him to bed. He told him a story until he fell asleep. The potions master kissed the child’s forehead and started to leave. He stopped in the doorway to look at his son. The tyke still held the lion. He carried it with him everywhere. Severus still wasn’t happy that Sirius had given him the toy but didn’t have the heart to take it away. He had, however, put his foot down when Jimmy wanted to name the lion Snuffles, after Black’s Animagus form, so his son had reluctantly settled on Roary. Sighing softly he turned off the light and shut the door.

The next day Jimmy spent the day outside watching Hagrid teach his Study and Care of Magical Creatures classes. Severus had been reluctant, though he knew the half-giant would never allow any harm to come to his youngest, but in the end he had agreed. During lunch and dinner, Jimmy chattered happily about all he had seen and heard during the classes.

“Daddy, can I spend the night with Grandpa Albus?”

“If he says it’s all right.”

The boy rushed over to the Headmaster and asked to spend the night with him. Dumbledore smiled and agreed. He loved the child dearly and openly doted upon him.

“Of course, little one. I always enjoy having you.”

However, Dumbledore was awakened in the middle of the night by gentle shakes. He woke blearily and found the gaze of Jimmy.

“Grandpa, I don’t feel so good,” the boy whimpered.

Dumbledore sat up, now awake, lifted the child onto his lap, and felt his forehead. He was burning up.

“Oh, my poor one. I’ll go get Roary, and you may sleep with me tonight. Aunt Poppy will check you in the morning.”

He had taken not five steps when a soft thump made him turn back around. Jimmy was laying on the floor.


The Headmaster scooped him up and Flooed to the Infirmary. Severus soon joined him in hovering worriedly as Poppy tended to the boy.

Days later, many witches and wizards gathered in the Malfoy Manor.

“My son reports that Severus worries over his adopted son, my Lord. He spends every spare moment at the boy’s side,” Goyle Sr. said.

“And the nature of this boy?”

“Muggleborn, my Lord.”

Many Death Eaters sneered.

“What... prompted Severus to take him in?”

“He told the students he found the boy outside his home one night, beaten, apparently abused by his father,” answered Crabbe Sr.

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