Grizzly Male 2: Guy Helmer

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Name: Guy Helmer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

District: Two

Allegiance: Grizzly

Appearance: Guy is what most would call good-looking with shaggy, dirty blond hair hanging slightly over hazel eyes. His face is clear, if not dotted by a few stray freckles. His smile is easy and he has a few laugh lines, as he laughs just as easily as he smiles. His jaw is squared and whatever stubble he gets is light and hard to see. Due to exercise and weapon training, Guy is very fit, showing off muscles a plenty. He stands just above average.

Personality: Guy is a laid-back kind of people, yet always seems to be doing something. Ask him about it and he casually mentions the plans like they are nothing to really admire, causing many to believe Guy is quite humble. Although truthfully, Guy quite likes attention, just dislikes people who seek it out, and doesn't want to be like them. He is outgoing, doing many things others wouldn't try and multitasks to a great extent. Guy tries very hard to remain calm at the best of times, as he is very aggressive, getting angry easily. However, after years of practice, he can almost always turn his back on the anger if he needs to.

Guy is a pleasant person, and fiercely loyal, one of the reasons he surrounds himself with many friends. He often wonders about them though, questioning their true motives, but tries to put it out of his mind and just live life everyday to its fullest. However, no matter how he attempts to do this, his fear of being alone and looked down upon is always there, mocking him.

Reason for Sacrifice: He's done everything there is to do at home, so he figured he might as well go ahead with this.

History: Guy has been alone for as long as he can remember. He grew up being looked after by the Training Master of District Two, a young man who's love died in the Games he had once trained for. Guy's mother and father had abandoned him before running away, and due to this, Guy has always needed to keep himself busy to avoid wondering why they hadn't loved him enough to stay with him.

Over the years, Guy has trained like many other men of his district, and has seen many people he called friends enter, and sometimes never leave the Games. The life he lives is ordinary, and far to mundane to remain the same for long, which is why now, after doing all he believes he needs to do, he has set out with nothing holding him back to fight in the Grizzly God's name.

Token: A small charm, hardly the size of ones finger nail, roughly carved to look like a grizzly bear, given to him when he was younger, and one of the only things that has always been with him.

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