Chapter 1 - first day back

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It was my first day back at school
I woke up at 6:30 because i always take ages to get ready
My family is rich and quite popular with the media and paparazzi but you didn't mind .i always get what i want. with all of this i am the most popular girl in school every guy wanted to be with me but i ignored them

First i went in for a shower , after you finished i put on the outfit I chose last night ,, I wore a white crop top
with a burgundy skirt with a denim jacket and tanned boot heals

First i went in for a shower , after you finished i put on the outfit I chose last night ,, I wore a white crop top with a burgundy skirt with a denim jacket and tanned boot heals

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I also done my make up it looked like this

I also done my make up it looked like this

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I am proud of myself. My best friend came round to pick me up her name is Stephanie but every one calls her Steph
She has blond hair and is a bit smaller than me

I walked out to my front door and looked around me
I saw that people were moving into the house beside me

I saw two boys get out the car me first instinct was "wow there hot" I didn't know i said that out loud and Steph said to me "who's hot" I pointed over to the two boys and she agreed.  they were quite tall and muscular both had brown hair there jaw lines could cut like a knife I wanted to drool but i knew i would mess up my makeup

I went to school and went up to my big group of friends i didn't need to catch up with them because I saw them through the summer

Graysons POV

"Bro did you see those two girls " Grayson said
"Yeah bro there hot af" Ethan said
"I hope there at our new school "Grayson said
"Me to " Ethan said

We went and chose our rooms and I shouted to Ethan to try and scare him

"BRO!!!!!! "I said
He came running In my room "WHAT ,, WHATS WRONG " Ethan shouted
"Don't you want to go to school to see those hot girls ? " I asked
"Is that all you called me for ? " Ethan said
"Yes ,, do you want to ? " I asked
"Of course"  he said

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