Chapter 19 - stethans propsal part 1

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Your POV

I can't believe we have to come home it was amazing in Hawaii but I miss my family and friends

I was on the plane back home and Grayson fell asleep so I texted Ethan because I was bored

Y ' hi E were just in the plane and Grayson fell asleep and I'm booorrreeeddd'
E ' wow jeez Grayson never sleeps on the plane it's usually me 😂 '
Y ' I guess I tired him out 😂anyway how are you and Steph getting on '
E ' ewwwww, were doing great but I need your help with something '
Y ' what is it '
E ' I want to ask her to marry me but I don't know how to ask '
Y ' why don't we talk about this in person once we're back '
E ' ok but can you help me though I'm stressing out '
Y ' I will help you stop stressing out I'm sure she'll say yes '
E ' do u think '
Y ' yes now I'm going to try and sleep while I wait for the plane to land '
E ' ok txt me when you land so I can pick you guys up '
Y 'ok bye E '
E ' bye y/n 👋 '

I was listening to my music when I felt my eyelids drop it felt like five minutes later I was woken up by Grayson

G " were home babe "
Y " ohh o-ok " I was still half asleep at this point
We got off the plane to go to get our suitcases

Y " hey gray "
G " yes "
Y " while you were sleeping on the plane I was texting Ethan and he said he wants to propose to Steph but he needs help "
G " but he helped me he should know what he's doing "
Y " I guess he needs help because he's nervous "
G" possibly "

After we got our luggage Grayson put his arm around my waist as we started walking we got to the front door and saw Ethan leaning against his car waiting on us. Once me and Grayson saw him we ran over. Ethan saw us before we started running

I jumped into his arms god I missed this he was my best friend

Y " I missed you so much E "
E " I missed you to y/n "

After we said our hellos Grayson and Ethan did there massive bro hug thing I thought it was s'cute

E " now can you please help me "
Y " fine and by the way I told Grayson because you would've told him anyway "
E" true anyway what's Stephs favourite thing to do on like a date "
Y " Ethan I have the perfect idea I'll sort it out so all you have to do is turn up "
E " ok thank you so much y/n "
Y" no problem E "
G"hey can I help
Y" if you want "
G " I want to help because he helped me"
Y " oh ok "

My idea was that Ethan would take Steph to the beach with a romantic setting with like rose petals and candles but I would make sure that Ethan went like half an hour before sunset so he could propose

My idea was that Ethan would take Steph to the beach with a romantic setting with like rose petals and candles but I would make sure that Ethan went like half an hour before sunset so he could propose

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I think I'm a good best friend she said to me she always wanted that so I'm made that come true

So he planned to propose three or four days from today so I does give me time to get everything set out

Four days later

It was finally today I'm so excited everything was set out all Ethan had to do was ask her out

Ethan POV

Steph was in her bedroom so I went to ask if she could go out with me

E " hey Steph "
S " yes Ethan "
E " do u want to go out tonight like on a date "
S " I would love to Ethan "
E " ok be ready by 8 "
S " why that late "
E " you'll see it's a surprise "
S " ok bye E I love you "
E " love you to Steph "

Ok it was set now I'm just sitting in my car about to go home to get ready y/n was already with Grayson at our house so I could ask if she had everything set out

I parked up in our driveway and walked through the door to see y/n cuddled up on the couch watching a horror movie they paused it when I walked into the living room

Y " did you ask her "
E " yes "
E " do you have everything ready "
Y " yes Ethan it's been ready for like an hour "
E " ok gray can you help me get ready "
G " yeah sure I will be down in a bit y/n "
Y " ok "

And with that we went upstairs and I got ready I wore a black tux that showed my muscles off and I put hair gel in my hair I asked gray to take a picture so I could post it on insta I had a white rose for Steph so I held it up in the picture and captioned ' date night 💗💗 '

And with that we went upstairs and I got ready I wore a black tux that showed my muscles off and I put hair gel in my hair I asked gray to take a picture so I could post it on insta I had a white rose for Steph so I held it up in the picture and c...

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