Chapter 11 - getting ready

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Y/l/n -your last name
Y/m/n- your mums name

Your POV

I didn't know what to wear the one day I have millions of clothes and feel like I've got none I called Steph to help me

She came over and saw that I had all my clothes on my floor and she said I need help I got annoyed and said " just help me " she chose out a black tight fitting dress with a leather jacket with black knee high boots she said she would do my hair and makeup

After she finished I looked in the mirror not to sound full of myself but I looked amazing I was excited for this date

My phone buzzed I looked at it and it was a text from Grayson

Gray 💗🌹

' you ready gorgeous xx 💗'
' yeah xx 💗'
' I'm coming xx 💗 '
' ok xx 😘 '

Ten minutes later Grayson knocked on my door I asked my mum to answer

Grayson's POV

G "hello mrs y/l/n "
Y/m/n "don't be silly call me y/m/n
G " ok is y/n ready "
Y/m/n " yes just give me a minute "
Y/m/n " Y/N!!!!!!!"
Y " YEAH!!!!! "
Y/m/n " grayson's here "
Y " ok I'm coming "

Your POV

I came down stairs and Grayson was looking at me like he won the lottery or something his jaw was dropped

Grayson's POV

She looked gorgeous

That's why I made that her nickname because it's true she is gorgeous I was so excited for this date

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