Chapter 17 - proposal part 1

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Y/d/n - your dads name

Grayson's POV

I texted y/n during class

G ' do u want to go out after graduation gorgeous xx 😘 '
Y ' ok what time xx '
G ' Ethan will pick you up around 6 xx '
Y ' why Ethan xx'
G ' it's a surprise gorgeous xx 💗 '
Y ' ok xx 💗'
G ' and pack your things for 14 days and also bring swimsuits xx 😘 '
Y ' gray where are u taking me I'm worried now xx'
G ' don't be worried you'll love it but I still can't tell you xx 😘 '
Y ' ok if your sure xx 💗 '
G ' I'm sure xx 😘 '
Y ' ok ill see you when Ethan drops me off then xx '
G ' ok see you then gorgeous xx💗'

Now all I needed to do is get everything sorted it has to be perfect

So I was planning to take y/n to Hawaii and go camping next to the nicest waterfall because I know she loves them
Now all I have to do is tell Ethan to get y/n to the airport but she can't know she's there so I'll ask him to put a blindfold on her so it's definitely a surprise

it was the end of school and I had to hurry to get everything ready because I never even started and graduation is in a day now I have to hurry

I ran to the travel agents and got two tickets to Hawaii then I went to a camping shop and got tents and stools and blankets and pillows and stuff like that then I went to the hardware shop and got nails for the tent

G " yo bro "
E " yeah" he said coming into my room
G " can you get y/n from her house and take her to the airport after graduation "
E" yeah "
G" ohh and also "
E " what "he said coming into my room again
G " can u blindfold her "
E " ooo kinky hahaha"
G " hahahaha"
G " can u just do it though "
E " yeah ok "

Now that I had everything I needed to go i went to the florists shop and got red rose petals to set the mood

I had to go and ask her mum to get permission for her to go but I told her not to tell y/n because it was a surprise and I told her what I wanted to ask y/n while we were on holiday and I was so happy when she gave me her blessing

Today was graduation my heart was constantly racing because I wanted this to be perfect

Your POV

The head teacher done his long long speech then he started handing out diplomas then he called out names
(A/n sorry I don't know what happens at graduations I'm still only halfway through school)

H/T " y/n and Grayson "

We walked up to the stage and collected our diplomas then we went off stage and sat down

H/T " Stephanie and Ethan "

They walked up and collected there diplomas then went off stage and sat down next to us

Obviously Stephs mum and my mum were crying and for the first time my dad showed up that was the first time I've seen my dad in years at that point I started crying Grayson came up to me and asked me what was wrong Steph already knew

G " y/n what's wrong "
Y " my dads here "
G " what "
Y " I've not seen my dad in years "
G " ohh you should go talk to him " he said while hugging me

Y/d/n " hi sweetheart "
Y " hi dad I missed you "
Y/d/n " I missed you too and who is this " he said pointing to Grayson
Y " dad this is my boyfriend Grayson, Grayson this is my dad "
G " hello mr y/l/n do u mind if I talk to you"
Y/d/n " hello Grayson and of course"
Y " what you are you going to talk about"
G " I just want to get to know him, since I'm your boyfriend "
Y" oh ok I'll see you later than "
G " ok bye gorgeous "
Y " bye gray "

Grayson's POV

I had to lie because I wanted it to be a surprise

G "mr y/l/n "
Y/d/n " yes Grayson "
G " ca-can I marry your daughter "
Y/d/n " no you can't you don't seem like the right guy for my daughter "
G " wh-what '
Y/d/n " I'm sorry Grayson but I don't give you my blessing "
G" I don't know what to do now because I had a plan set out it's going to fail now "
Y/d/n " I don't really care"
G " ooo-kkk "
And after he said that I told Ethan to come to the bathroom with me and I burst out into tears

Your POV

Grayson finished talking with my dad and then ran away with Ethan trailing behind him I hope my dad didn't say anything wrong I walked up to the bathroom and heard sniffles and hiccups I was begging that it wasn't Grayson I saw Ethan storm out the bathroom with his jaw and fists clenched like he was ready to go into a boxing match or something

Ethan's POV

I stormed up to y/n's dad and asked why he didn't give Grayson his blessing and he told me that Grayson wasn't right for his daughter and I turned to face y/n and said

E" does she look happy knowing that Grayson is in there crying his eyes out because he can't marry y/n "
Y/d/n " omg she doesn't I'm such a bad parent"

After he said that he ran into the bathroom and I ran after him and heard him say that he does give him his blessing and that he just said that because he doesn't know him Grayson's eyes lit up and he hugged y/n's dad thanking him.

Grayson got rid of his puffy eyes and went back up to y/n

Grayson's POV

I was crying until I saw y/n'a dad run in and he came and sat next to me and said that he didn't mean what he said he just said it because he didn't know me

I said thank you and hugged him really tight he said to me to take care of his daughter and I said she's the love of my life and I would never do that to her

Your POV

Grayson came out the bathroom with a big massive smile on his face

Grayson asked me if I had everything packed I said yes and he said that Ethan will pick me up at 6 that meant I had 2 and a half hours to get ready

Then I got a text from Grayson

G ' make sure you where shorts or something cause we're going somewhere warm love you gorgeous xx💗'

That was weird but I said ok I decided to tight curls in my hair and tie it from the sides to the back then I wore my blue shorts with lace pattern and I wore a white flowy top with a denim sleeveless jacket  and I wore white vans

Then Ethan texted me

E ' are u ready to go '
Y 'yeah ill be out in a min'
E ' ok '

I grabbed my suitcase and bag and walked out the door then I went into Ethan's car then he put a blindfold on me

Y " why did u put a blindfold on me "
E " because Grayson told me to "
Y " oh ok hahaha"

We stopped the car about 15 mins later and all I heard was Grayson's voice he said to me

G " you ready gorgeous "
Y " yeah I think "
E " ill see you in two weeks gray good luck "
G " bye E "
Y " bye E "
E " bye guys "

We walked for about ten minutes then Grayson sat me down and said we're going somewhere at this point I thought I was in a plane or something

Grayson's  POV

I hope I got a good enough ring 💍

A/n this is my first authors note and I'm sorry if this book is really cringey it's my first one

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