Part 24-happy ending (the end)

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A/n this is the last chapter

Comment if I should do a sequel

Love you guys I hope this is a good ending for you

The next day

Your POV

I was staring at my little princess she's so cute I love her with all my heart , I have major baby fever.I picked her up and cuddle her while she was sleeping , Grayson walked in and came over he sat next to me and kissed baileys head

G " were a perfect little family now "
Y " I know "

Then Steph walked in and took grant from his cot and sat on the other sofa

Stephs POV

If you haven't guessed I also have major baby fever me and y/n love our baby's too much , I picked up grant and sat on the other sofa , Ethan came in and asked what we all wanted for breakfast, we said we didn't care and he went away to make it, I love my two boys so much

Ethan's POV

I walked down stairs and made breakfast for everyone , I went into a daydream , I thought if we never moved here and Grayson never had a crush on y/n we wouldn't be here today living in the same house taking care of our baby's it's insane how far we've come together, but I would have it any other way

Grayson's POV

I had my two favourite girls sitting in front of me and I love them so much . Y/n takes such good care of bailey, I went downstairs to see how Ethan was doing and went I got downstairs he was in a daydream and everything was burned

G " Ethan , ETHAN " I clapped in front of his face to get his attention

E " what OMG I burnt everything "

G " it's alright you go upstairs and I'll make it "

E " fine just don't do what I did "

G " I won't "

We were all family now it's crazy Stephs my sister in law. Y/n is Ethan's sister in law , grants my nephew , bailey is Ethan's niece , it's crazy

I finished breakfast and took it upstairs they all said thank you and started eating once they were finished me and Ethan took there dishes and went downstairs

G " do you realise how whipped we are "

E " I know we love Steph and y/n so much "

G " I never want to lose them "

We went back upstairs

Your POV

Ethan and Grayson came back up and me and Steph already put the baby's in there cots

Grayson put his arms around my waist as I stared at bailey then done the same but on Steph it was silent until I said

Y " this is going to be our life for the next 18 odd years I hope we all still stay friends "

E " y/n we're family now not just friends"

G " and that's the way it should be "

S " I never knew that I would be married at 19 and have a baby at 20 "

Y " nether did I but it happened and I wouldn't have it any other way "

G " were all perfect as one whole family"

E&S " yes we are "

Y " I think there the twins not instead of you too "

S " ha ha so funny y/n" *note sarcasm*

18 years later

Your POV

Our kids were leaving for university we all cried but there going to go so far in life , both bailey and grant are so smart

Me, Steph, Ethan and Grayson all still live together but we've all moved house a couple of times because me and Grayson keep talking about having another baby but I'm not sure , I mean we're all 38 so I'm contemplating it

We were making sure grant and bailey had everything before they went , they got into the uber and waved before the car took a turn and we couldn't see them anymore

Me and Steph were crying and Ethan and Grayson were tearing up I hate to see my baby's leave

Ethan and Steph had another child they had a girl and called her Cameron y/n Dolan because they wanted our names in it too , she is 13 and was very close with her brother so she joined in with us crying

We all went inside and order takeout and sat and watched movies with candy and chocolate and popcorn , it was a really good night we all went to bed and me and Grayson started talking

G " I want to have another child "

Y " me too gray but don't you think we're a bit old "

G " age is just a number y/n , that shouldn't be a problem "

Y " fine but not tonight I'm too tired "

G " ok goodnight gorgeous "

He hadn't called me gorgeous in ages it feels good to hear it again it brings back good memories

Y " goodnight G "

I turned around and Grayson put his arms around my waist and cuddled me

This was my life and I absolutely loved it

A/n this is it guys , comment if I should do a sequel or another book because I will miss writing this book and I want to write more even though they will beso bad. I love you guys so much thank you for everything 💗💗💗💗

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