Chapter 3 - home

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E = Ethan
G = Grayson

Grayson's POV

My first day of school was over and I'm already falling in love

I needed to tell Ethan

G "Yo bro "
E " yeah bro "
G " see y/n ,, I think I like her"
E " yeah i saw that , bro you can't even talk to her "
G " I know but it's hard "
E " well your going to have to find courage because I'm not doing it for you"
G " I know I just don't know what to say I have a feeling she doesn't feel the same way "
E " well you can only find out "
G " I wish I had as much courage as you when it comes to girls "
E " oh I know lol 😂 "

Ethan left my room after that
I know she doesn't feel the same way because I'm a nerd and she's popular I know she'll never go out with me but a guy can dream

Our mum called us for dinner she ordered our favourite pineapple pizza

I didn't eat a lot I was to busy thinking about y/n Ethan had to snap me out my daydream
E " yo bro stop dreaming about y/n "
I swear he can read my mind
G " I wasn't I was just thinking about school "
E " because y/n was there"
G " oh shut up Ethan " I said laughing
E " have u not asked her out yet "
G " no I haven't and I'm not going to "
E " why " Ethan said with a slight whine in his voice
G " because I know she'll never go out with me so I'll just keep her as my crush  "
E " aww I thought you were going to ask her out "
G " I was but then I chickened out "
E " aw ok , gray I'll be up in my room if you need me "
G " ok E , bye "

Ethan POV

Grayson kept talking about y/n but I couldn't stop thinking about her friend I didn't know her name but I thought she was hot I think I like her.i kept on searching names up on insta but nothing came up

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