#8, Truth or Dare

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"Truth or dare, Alec?" Izzy asked me. Not wanting to end up doing something I would regret, I answered.

"Truth." She smiled at me. It wasnt a war smile either. It was the kind of smile that sent chills running down your spine.

"Do you love Magnus Bane?" She asked. I looked beside me wear Magnus sat staring at me intently. I stared at the floor, wishing my blush would disappear. I nodded my head. "Yay! Your turn Alec." Without looking up I took my turn.

"Clary, truth or dare?" I really did hate this game and I wasnt even sure why I even agreed to play. Oh wait, Magnus was playing...

"Dare." She said joyfully. Great. Now what do I do.

"Erm....... Kiss......Jace." Wow, that was lame. Clary happily did her dare, extending it a bit longer then needed. When she was done she looked around the group.

"Hm.... Magnus, truth or dare?" I winced, I knew he would choose dare and I was terrified to see what the consequences of that were.

"Dare, obviously." He chirped. I sighed.

"Hm.... Kiss Izzy." She said. Well thats just.... Wait what?!?! Kiss.... them.... wait.... huh? Magnus looked at me apologetically and leaned towards Izzy. There lips touched for a moment, but parted just as quickly. I felt my stomach turn and I looked away.

"Well... um.... Alexander, darling, truth or dare?" I looked up at him. A blush spread across my face.

"Erm.... uh..... dare." Why did I just do that? UGH! I am such an idiot. I studied his face for any change, but there was none.

"Kiss me." He said, simply. The blush on my face deepened as I leaned forward. Our lips met and began moving in perfect synk with eachother.

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