#5, I hate the 4th of July.

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I groaned and rolled over as Magnus began shaking me to get me up. I checked the clock and it was only 3am, thats even early for me. Pulling the canary yellow blankets over my face I squeezed my eyes closed. After a few minutes I heard Magnus back away from the bed. Just as I went to remove the blanket it disapeared completely. I looked at Magnus accusingly knowing he had used magic to get rid of it for the time being.

"Fine Magnus, I'm up. Now what is so important that you need me to be up at 3 in the morning." A smile grew on Magnus' face and, if I am honest, I was scared.

"Because, darling, it is the fourth of July!" He said. I paused, waiting for him continue. When he never did I rolled my eyes.

"So...." I said. He pretended to act offended and jumped next to me onto the bed.

"So, I can use all the glitter I wan't becaus eit is a day for celebrating with glitter and other shiny and sparkly things." Magnus said, a little over excitedly.

"Great. So not only do I have to deal with glitter all over the flat but it is going to be everywheres." He smiled and nodded quickly.

"YUP!" And the rest of the day was spent covering things with glitter.

~Later That Night~

After Magnus had covered literally everything he owned in glitter he took me to watch the fireworks. When we got to the Empire State building Magnus pulled out a bottel and lit the bottom of it. He set it in front of us both and when it went off glitter went everywhere. I looked down and saw that I was coated with a layer of red glitter. Magnus smiled at me and then ran back to the flat. Since we were a few hours away he had to take a cab, and I was wondering why he didnt just use a portal. I shrugged and used the rune Clary showed me to make a portal of my own. I made it to the flat before Magnus, and when he got home he was in a lot of trouble.

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