#22, Thanks Mike

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The wind blew lightly against Alecs face as he made his way through central park. It had been almost six months since his break up with Magnus, and he was finally regaining composure of himself. Mundanes rushed in and out of stores trying to get where they needed to go. People pushed and nagged, while others sat and had daily conversations. Of course, what Alec was trying to avoid noticing was the happy couples making there way around town. He tried not to notice the man propose to his girlfriend as he passed by. Because all of it reminded him of Magnus.

For the past few months Alec kept himself locked away in the Institute or out hunting. This was the first time in a while he had just gone out to relax. He hadnt seen Magnus in a while, and he had finally stopped calling himafter Jace's constant nagging. Just then a rush of panic went through Alec. It only lasted for a moment as he started his decent to the ground, but ended up taking the person in front of him down as well. He had been so lost in his thoughts, he tripped over his own feet. The other person that had fallen stood up, and offered a pale hand to Alec. Gladly, he took the offer.

He was then met eye to eye wish a dazzling young man. Blonde hair, pale skin, and enchanting green eyes. His hair was short, and spiked slightly. His face had sharp, angular points, clearly defining his features. The boy smiled at Alec, who was suddenly dumbfounded.

"I-I...... I am s-so sorry. I was.... I was just..... Well, you see, I.... Um...." Alec stuttered out. The blonde boy-slightly shorter then Alec if he werent slouching-just shook his head.

"Hey, dont worry about it. Could have happnened to anybody. I'm Mike, by the way." He replied. Alec nodded, and was suddenly aware of a scolding hot pain over his torso. He looked down and saw that his fresh coffee had spilled all over the front of his black sweater. Alec bit his tongue so that he didnt screamout in pain, but it still must have regisstered on his face. Mike quickly noticed and started pulling him by the arm down the road.

"W-Where are we going?" Alec asked. Shaking his head, Mike quickly pulled him along.

"I was on my way to a friends house and he can fix you right up. I never caught your name, by the way." Mike added casually.

"A-Alec...." Nodding, Mike swiftly manuvered his and Alecs way through the crowed. Any smart Shadowhunter would be wary of this action, but Alec didnt care much about what happened to him anyways. So why not?

Soon enough Alec found himself in an all-to-familiar part of New York. Brooklyn its self. He tried not to show how uncomfortable he felt, and it worked well enough. The blonde boy didnt bother asking questions. Hes muscles tensed as they turned onto a certain warlocks street. And even more so as his building came into view. What was going on?And before he knew it he was once more standing on Magnus Banes doorstep.

His heart raced and heat rushed to his cheeks. Who was this boy and why had he brought him to Magnus? Alec was going to turn and leave, but the a shiny figure appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, Mike. It is great to see you again. And I see you brought a frie-" He cut off as he saw Alec. They both just stood there for a moment. No one talked and the world seemed to fall silent. Alec stared at Magnus as memories flooded back to him. So many happy times that he wished he had never lost. Then to the sad times, and the hard times. And lastly, their break up. Magnus stood with gold eyeliner and glittery gold eye shadow on foor his only make up. His clothes consisted of black skinny jeans and one of Alecs old sweaters. The one he had worn the last time he had seen Magnus.

"Do you two know eachother?" Mike asked awkwardly. Magnus took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes. But before we go into theatrics, would the two of you like to come inside?" The warlock said. Mike stepped inside quickly, but Alec hesitated. He was terrified about seeing Magnus again. The tears already threatened to spill, and he wasnt going to cry infront of anyone. Not anymore. He had grown stronger and had more dignity than he used to. Gulping, the raven haired Shadowhunter stepped inside.

The house looked the same for the most part. The couch was blue leather, the carpet white. The walls a neaon green. Taking a seat beside Mike, Alec found a new facination in his hands. Magnus was in the kitchen, and when he returned he placed a two coffees on the table and handed Alec one of his own sweatshirts. If he was embarrassed by the fact that he had the shirt, nothing showed on his face.

"You know where the bedroom is but the bathroom in under some minor fixing up...." The sparkly man said without looking at his ex at all. Alec nodded, picked up the sweatshirt, and went into the main bedroom. It was just as he remembered it, with a few new items here and there. On the walls there were nails that clearly help picures, but not one picture showed. A glass dolphin Magnus and Alec had gotten on one of their vacations sat on the bedside table next to the Warlocks phone.

Though he shouldnt have, Alec moveed towards the phone. Curiosity nagged at him. He picked up the cellular device and flipped it open. A picture of Alec smiled back at him. Tears built up in is eyes as he checked the recently dialed numbers. Magnus had called his old number every night before going to bed, and every morning he woke up. Alec let out a quiet sob as he set the phone down.

He pulled off his soaked shirt and replaced it with the new one. The faint sound of voices drifted into the room. Alec knew it must be Mike and Magnus. How did they know eachother, anyways? Folding up the dirty shirt, Alec made his way back to the living room where the two sat deep in conversation.

"I'm sorry, Magnus. If I had known this was the kid you were talking about, I wouldnt have brought him here. I just thought that I could bring him by for a quick chat. I mean, hes a Shadowhunter. They arent half bad." Mike explained. Neither of them had noticed Alecs entrance.

"I know. I'm sorry. Its been so long since I have seen him, and I never feel like myself anymore. With him here.... I feel better. Yet, lost at the same time." Just then Mike glanced over and saw Alec standing there quietly. And then Magnus did. Alecs confusion must have shown on his face by the way Magnus stared.

"Alexander...." He started. " I.... I'm sorry." He said quietly. Alec just stood, staring for another moment before stepping towards the warlock. Tears once again built up in his eyes as he did this. Magnus stepped towards him too, and then they were standing so close that Alec felt Magnus' breath on his face. Mike just stepped awkwardly out of the apartment, and Alec felt as if he were going to burst into tears at any moment.

"I'm sorry, Magnus." Alec whispered quietly. They stared into eachothers eyes. It was as if green and blue were about to reunite as one.

"For what?" Magnus said quietly.

"I went through your phone. I only checked the calls." Magnus nodded slowly. "Mags, that isnt my phone number anymore." Alec added. Magnus' eyes widened as he stared down at Alec.

"I thought you were mad...." He said, sounding embarrassed.

"No. I thought you were mad at me." Alec said. And then they kissed. A sweet kiss that attampted to make up for the time that had passed since the last one.

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