#13, Its Not As Easy as Forgive And Forget

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"Magnus, please!" I said for the tenth time. We were standing in the middle of his Brooklyn flat, and in the middle of what seemed like the end for us. Magnus stood red faced and angry in front of me. Both of his hands were balled into fists at his side.

"Alexander, I thought I could trust you more then that! I told you those thing, thinking you would keep them to yourself!" He shouted, his voice raising even louder then before when he finished what he was saying. Tears began to form in my eyes because I knew he was right. All I could do was look down at my feet. A week before he began telling me about laws he had broken years before, things he had done. I hadnt thought much about it when I told Jace. I wasnt thinking at all. A few days later Jace returned to me telling me he told the Clave about what Magnus had done, and I rushed strait to his flat. That is how we got to where we were.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled quietly. In return I got a low growl, and then I was alone. Magnus had stormed out of the room and left the apartment completely. The last thing I heard was him shouting, "I will be back in an hour. When I return, you and your things will be gone." With a sad sigh, I began to pack my things from throughout the house, and then dragged them back to the Institute. Magnus was right. Even though hewasnt being punished for his doings, it was still a risk. I should have thought about what I was doing. I should have thought of the consequenses. Now I had nothing.

When I reached the Institute, the  sun had begune to set. The gothic looking building seemed like a dark, unwelcoming figure in the night. Of course, I had seen this enough times not to feel afraid. I quickly made my way up to my room and locked the door. The disappointment I had in myself was unbearable. I couldnt blame Jace at all. It was his duty as a Shadowhunter to tell the clave. All of this had been my fault, and i was aware of it. My heart longed for Magnus to hold me in his arms, telling me it was alright. I knew that wasnt going to happen though. it couldnt. Shouldnt. I was a terrible boyfriend, and I knew it. Magnus knew it.

Now I was sobbing into my pillow. While, at the same time, punching the mattress beneath me. My anger and sadness all went into this so when I lifted my head I wasnot surprised to see that my hand was bleeding, leaving scarlet red marks on the baby blue sheets on my bed. I took a few deep breaths and sat up. When I glanced out the window I saw that the moon was high in the sky. When had that happened? I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to find that this was only a dream. But, sadly, when I opened them I was still set in my room.

There was no way I could fix this.

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