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(This a read. It got lemons though so yeah 👌🏾 read this muhfucka)

"Mm, so yummy."

Adrian tried to hide his grin as Julius continued licking melted chocolate off his jaw. "Stoooop."

"I miss being in a relationship!" Jesus exhaled loudly, falling back onto the blanket. "Hold me, Chrissy."

"Fuck outta here, nigga." The dark skin boy chuckled from where stood, tossing a couple sticks on the fire they started when it got dark enough and they had all eaten and taken their showers.

"Are you trying to fucking kill me, you bum bitch?" Eva mouthed off to him, tipping away from the fire in her portable lawn chair. "Look at my fucking s'more. It's burned."

Julius lifted his head from the crook of Adrian's neck, chuckling. "Girl, it was gonna burn anyways."

"Right?" Chris agreed, sitting beside Jesus as the girl tossed her failed snack into some bushes. "Shawty mad over nothing."

Adrian inhaled deeply, ignoring their bickering to take in the smell of the forest that they were camping out in while his mother was staying with her boyfriend in a rented cabin. For dinner, they dropped by to have food with them and Eva checked in with her mother. They had to get his mother to lie to her mother about being a very responsible parent who will constantly text the woman to let her know their currant activities. In reality, as soon as her boyfriend parked the car she sent them off to their usual spot with their supplies, a bongo, and her lucky bong.

It was a two night, three day camping trip that was going to consist of them swimming, playing games, and smoking a ton of dope before leaving to visit his grandparents who didn't live too far off. Adrian already knew how awkward it was going to be to introduce his boyfriend to them.

"Well, Mr. Namubiru, you should know that I was on Girl Scouts for five years and that's how I learned useful shit like pitching these motherfucking tents and starting this fire."

"Listen, Miss Acosta, back home I start fires in my mother's village with stones to cook."

The dreadhead perked up. "When you go to Uganda in the summer?"

"Yeah. I spend two weeks in Kampala cuz my dad is from the city and then two weeks in Arua with my mom's family. I kinda like the village more because it's more quiet. I be farming and shit. Feels good! It just sucks cuz they speak Lugbara out there and I'm not that fluent in it, so when my grandma be talking to me it takes me like a minute to respond. I'm only really fluent in Swahili."

Jesus yawned, laying his head in his lap. "Say something is Swahili."

"Mbaya.. for ugly." He pushed Jesus off of him. "Wewe ni mbaya."

Eva sucked her teeth loudly. "Y'all are lame. Super fucking lame."

"Let's play a game." Julius suggested, his arms tightening around Adrian's waist.

The dreadhead shook his head. "Don't play games with this kid. He's honestly evil."

"You can't pretend to be mad that I made y-" Adrian cupped his mouth, not in the mood to have his friends drag him for the most recent freaky task that Julius had him do. He already had enough for the threesome and them having sex... this time would have taken the cake.

Adrian Likes JuliusWhere stories live. Discover now