Chapter 8 - Proper Introductions

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Evangelina was walking in the Living Forest on a relaxing stroll. She thought she had really got through the other competitors. She then froze.

Literally froze. She was now encased in a block of ice. Sub-Zero emerged from the branches of a tree. He stood in front of her, studying her. She stayed immobile. "How is it that my ice powers seem to affect you the most?", he mused.

She suddenly exploded, ice going everywhere. Sub-Zero was thrown back from the blast, and struggled to get back to his feet. DD got into a defensive fighting stance. "Why are you here? You did hear me say that I would kill anyone that came at me," she said.

"I didn't want you to panic at the sight of me. I wanted to talk.", Sub-Zero stated.

She lowered her stance. Slightly. "Talk about what, exactly?"

"I arrived early yesterday when we were sent to try to kill you. I saw Cassie talking to you. Why did you help her?"

She paused. "She reminded me of my sisters. I lost them, though."

There was an uncomfortable silence. Sub-Zero tried to start a conversation. "So.. were you walking just now?"

She jerked her head up. "Yes. Would you like to join me?"

They continued on, talking about their jobs. Kuai Liang learned many things about her. She had three other sisters, Gods of the West, South, and East regions of the universe. She was the Goddess of the North. However, they died, leaving her the title of the Cardinal Goddess. She didn't specify the details of their deaths, and didn't mention her parents at all. She also failed to mention her real name. She however decided to show him her wings. She had angel-like wings that were made of Starmetal, but she could hide them whenever she wished.

"You know, after the attempted corruption of the Jinsei, have you felt yourself, you know, aging?"

Sub-Zero cocked his head to the side. "What are you implying?"

She shrugged. "I can sense a form of power in you and your friends. Not those from the Red and Black Dragon clans, though. I think this was placed by the Elder Gods. The energy is supposed to give you immortality."

Sub-Zero paused at this. "So, you're saying that I was rewarded by the Elder Gods?"

Evie shrugged. "I'm a greater rank of god than the Elder Gods. And even though I can't understand why they would do this, I wouldn't say this would be a gift. In fact, I think of this as a curse. Everyone you love ends up dying, while you keep living. You're lucky your friends are immortal, too."

They continued to walk in silence. However, this one was less hostile. Eventually, the sun began to rise. Sub-Zero turned to the woman beside him. "I wish you luck on your next fight."

She smirked. "I won't need it."


At the Arena

Evie stood in the center of the stage, facing her opponent. She was going to face Frost of the Lin Kuei. Unlike her Grandmaster, she had aligned herself with Raiden. For this new development and previous memories, Sub-Zero couldn't hold his animosity in. He could be seen glaring at his apprentice, and it was clear who he was rooting for. The fighters got into their stances.

"You will fail. You may have gotten this far, but now you face a real warrior," Frost threatened.

"A warrior remains to be determined." Evie's face was completely devoid of emotion once more.


The warriors launched themselves at each other. Frost had twin ice knives she had quickly made. She feinted and sliced Evie in the ribs. She was not fazed by this, however, and launched a projectile at Frost that encased her in ice. She had thrown a ice ball.

Uproars from the audience. They were very surprised. Many competitors were also shocked. Meanwhile, Evie smirked at her new ice sculpture.

Frost broke out of her ice prison and threw one of her knives. However, they melted halfway on their path to the intended target. There was now a fiery aura surrounding Evie. She lobbed a ball of fire at Frost. It made contact and hit her face. Stunned, Evie rushed in to finish her opponent. She combined many fighting styles, so that she was unpredictable and deadly. A ruthless kick to the groin was followed by a flying kick to the head, and the fight was over.


Evie transformed into the same direwolf she morphed into the previous night, and leapt at Frost. She tore her head off, and clawed her body to pieces, victim screaming all the while.


Evie morphed back. Her usually clean getup was now covered in blood. She faced the observing combatants and bowed mockingly. She then spun on her heel and was about to leave the arena when she was ambushed.

Kano had spun into a ball, hitting her. Even the audience could see that as a cheap shot. He was accompanied by Frost. Immediately, Evie's pet direwolf appeared, but Luna was not alone.

Along with the now fully grown direwolf, there was now a burning bird with beautiful plumage that was perched on Evie's shoulder. It was immediately recognized as a phoenix. Rising from the shadows was also a silver serpent, poised to strike. In addition, coming into view now, was a gold dragon that blocked the sun.

Evie stood up. "Luna. Solaris. Moonlight. Starlight.", she addressed the direwolf, phoenix, serpent, and dragon, correspondingly. Starlight breathed a burst of fire that was pure white in color, tinged gray on the outside.

"I suggest you leave now." Evie stated this in a cold and hard voice.

Both aggressors had the sense to cautiously step back. They went back to Raiden's side of the arena. Glaring at the others, she turned and exited the arena. She was pissed.

The animals were left in the arena. Starlight roared and leaned close to the combatants. She then spread her wings and took fight. Solaris spread her fiery wings and followed the dragon, singing a light melody. Moonlight slithered alongside Luna, both surprisingly dissolving into shadows and left the arena. Their shadows could be seen traveling on the ground. The image was haunting.

This left the combatants with their own thoughts to their own fears.


Evie was no longer under her cherry blossom tree, but was now in the training areas. She was currently venting her anger on a wooden post. This was now the ninth post she had destroyed, minus the others she had chopped down on her way to the training area. Sub-Zero, accompanied by someone else, approached her.

"What did that pole ever do to you?", he asked, jokingly.

She huffed. "It's not funny. That stupid piece of shit tried to get at me with my defense down. But I'm feeling fine now." She looked at the other person. "Oh, it's dumbass number one. Great."

Hanzo growled. "I don't appreciate your humor. The only reason why I came here was because I wanted to ask you a few questions."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Is my life just reduced to a fighting game and 20 Questions? Fine, ask away!"

Hanzo chose to ignore this. "How is it that you have cryomancer and pyromancer powers?"

Evie smirked. "Easy. I was born with these powers. I'm an elemental, you know. I wasn't given them as a gift."

Hanzo paused. "Why are you in this tournament?"

She sighed. "Like I said, many people in my life that I held close to me died because of useless and unnecessary violence. I go around the world predicting hectic events and prevent them. I'm competing as a neutral to take down the tournament for good. Is that all?"

Hanzo nodded. "For now." In a quick flameport, he was gone.

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