Blue Mouse Trap

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Well if you skipped the chapter before hand, here is the pg-13 version. (Dark/Evil Shiro gets Keith happy and now Keith doesn't want to leave his side because this is what he wanted. Shiro to love him). Well that is all I have to say so onwards to the chapter!

**Shiro's POV**

A few nights later, when almost everyone was asleep, I was helping out Pidge with ways to track the other me. She was also studying the saliva of the clone that he left on me.
"Why did Dark Shiro-" I raised one eyebrow at her. "What? It was either that or Shiro 2.0." She moved her glasses up. "As I was saying before you interrupted me. Why did Dark Shiro use sexual ways to capture Keith?"
I looked at my hands while trying to hide a blush.
"Before creating him, Haggar went into my memories and found out that I like someone here." Someones. "She said she had something to keep them docile and away from the fight."
Her computer beeped and she turned to look at it. I watched her eyes widen before her face turned bright red.
"It looks like there is some sort of aphrodisiac in his saliva." She must have saw the confused look. "Aphrodisiacs control the part of the brain that center around pleasure. If Keith was a virgin, he won't be when we rescue him but he will be very happy."
"We need to be careful when rescuing him. I don't want it to be another trap."
"Why? The target was Keith so the rest of us should be safe." I started to look everywhere but her. "Oh dear, you have two crushes. Who are they? It better not be me or I will kick your ass right here."
I shook my head.
"Lance." I whispered and she fell down laughing.
"Really? The two rivals! Oh that is so funny!" She laughing and I was trying to quiet her down. "The head likes a arm and a leg!"
"Shh! Everyone is sleeping!"
A window popped up on her screen and she started to analysis it.
"I guess not everyone. It says here that a pod left the hanger a few minutes ago. I better check to see who it was." After a clicks her jaw dropped. "Oh no. It was Lance. But I can see that he took his armor as well." She pulled up something on her computer before speaking. "Lance! What the quiznak are you doing?"
"Going to rescue Keith, duh! Shiro just told me the plan."
We heard the pod landing somewhere over the com.
"What was the plan?" She asked him.
"Go in one at a time using the pods because the galra expect the lions. Then, sneak into the docked ship and save Keith. He told me over the helmet radio."
"Lance, I don't have my armor so how could I inform you of any plans." I told him.
"No, I am staring right at you and you are wearing your armor."
"Lance, which arm is robotic?"
"No, my right arm is robotic, that is the other Shiro. Get out of there now." I yelled out to him.
"Oh quiznak!" Was the last thing we heard before he yelped.
"Lance? Please answer!"

*Lance's POV*

I couldn't sleep so I got my armor on and started walking to the training deck. I heard talking as I walked past a hallway.
"Why did dark Shiro use sexual ways to capture Keith?" I heard Pidge asking someone.
"Before creating him, Haggar went into my memories and found out that I like someone here." I heard Shiro explaining to her.
I could feel my heart starting to crack because that it meant Shiro liked Keith. I knew I liked both but it still hurt me that he liked Keith and not me. I turned away because I didn't want to hear any more. I could remember the moans that Keith made with the other Shiro. At least Keith could have a Shiro while I got no one.
I wandered around without a true goal because I didn't want to spar anymore. I looked up and saw Blue in front of me and I sat down on the paw. I guess that my brain automatically started to head to my lion without a second thought.
"Lance? Are you awake? Where are you?" I heard Shiro's voice over the radio.
"With Blue, why?"
"We have a plan to save Keith but we have to act fast."
"But I just heard you talking to Pidge."
"Yeah, but we were able to get a lock on his location."
"Oh okay. So how can we save him?"
"The Galra expect us to use the lions but we can use the pods to sneak past them. But we need to go one at a time so they don't detect us."
"Okay, who leaves first?"
"You do, you are one of the best pilots we have so you can dodge them easily if you need to." I loved the complement he gave me. "When you get to your pod, I will send you the location."
"Yes sir."
"Be careful, Sharpshooter."
I ran over to the pods and climbed in the nearest one. I saw the location light up on a planet nearby the one with the base. The hanger doors opened and I flew out. About ten minutes out, I got someone contacting the ship's radio.
"Lance! What the quiznak are you doing?" Pidge yelled over the radio.
"Going to rescue Keith, duh! Shiro just told me the plan."
I saw the planet and started to land. It looked like snow but it felt warm so I knew that this was a desert planet. I though it was weird that she didn't know about the plan.
"What was the plan?"
I explained to her Shiro's plan. I opened the cockpit and saw Shiro standing nearby.
"Lance, I don't have my armor so how could I inform you of any plans." Shiro said over the radio.
I was confused as he started walking towards me.
"No, I am staring right at you and you are wearing your armor."
"Lance, which arm is robotic?"
I looked closely and noticed that his right hand was human.
"No, my right arm is robotic, that is the other Shiro. Get out of there now." Shiro yelled out and I started the ship up.
Before I had a chance to move, Shiro was on top of the pod and he started to burn a hole into the cockpit. It fell apart under his hand and I was defenseless.
"Oh quiznak!" I said as he reached down and grabbed my armor.
I yelped before he kissed me and then he took off my helmet to deepen the kiss. I could hear Shiro's voice but the other Shiro started to distract me. I could feel my legs weakening with every nip and kiss on my neck. He wrapped his arms around me as my legs gave out. I was a moaning mess as I was holding on to him.
"I don't want to keep you all to myself. I want to share you with Keith." We moved away from the pod and he continued kissing me as he carried me to a hidden ship. "Oh Keith! I brought a present!" He called out as we came into the ship. "I will let you unwrap it!"
"You are so sweet to me." I heard Keith purr as he started to take off my armor.
I watched as Keith kissed him and then Shiro licked a hickey.
"Let's move him to the bed to make him comfortable."
He laid me on the bed and Keith climbed on top of me.
"Oh, I must have died and gone to Heaven." I whispered as I watched them work.
"This is even better than Heaven." Keith whispered in my ear.
Two are under the Dark Shiro's trap! Can the true Shiro save his two loves or will he fall under the spell like the others. Tune in next chapter!
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