Saving Love

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Basic PG-13 version of last chapter. (Keith is completely under Dark Shiro's control and loves the fake world. Lance is happy with being with both of them but he wants the real Shiro to love him and Keith.) That is just in case anyone decides to skip the chapter.

**Shiro's POV**

Pidge was able to track Lance's last known location using his helmet. She was going to wake everyone up but I stopped her.
"No, I was the one who brought them into the trap. I should be the one to rescue them." I told her.
"Saving your princesses from the evil dragon." I gave her a look. "What? You can't say that you are not their Knight in Shining Black Armor riding in on your Black Voltron lion steed." She fixed her glasses. "On a serious note, how are you going to save them? Dark Shiro has your armor."
"I am not sure but I will bring Black to keep me sane and out of his control."
"Just one quick question. Does it count as masturbation if you have sex with Dark Shiro?" I glared at her before getting up. "First, take this." She handed me a headset. "Just take it off if you decide to sleep with him. I don't want to hear it."
I hooked it on before walking out. When I got to Black's hanger, I found out that Black was not alone. Both Red and Blue were curled up next to Black.
"You love each other too."
Red moved over and I could tell that she was trying to stare me in the eyes. I slowly started to back away from her as she was starting to growl.
"Pidge, what is wrong with Red? She is growling at me." I asked Pidge over the headset.
"Red is just worried about Keith. Also it could be because she is worried that you are going to reject him. You know how mothering she can be to Keith. She almost destroyed the Mamora base just to rescue him."
"I remember, i saw the damage up close. But Keith is one of us, why would I reject him?"
"During the battle with Zarkon, when we got hit by the quintessence drain attack. It jump started Keith's galra DNA and now he actually looks half galra."
Black sent me an image of Keith's new look, it was actually a little cute on him. The purple blended perfectly with his pale skin and dark hair.
"I still say that Keith is one of us even though he is a little purple now." Red started purring loud enough for Pidge to hear. "Okay, well I need to get to Black so I can rescue Keith and Lance." I watched as Red had to nudge Blue to get it to move away from Black. I walked over to Blue and put my hand on its paw. "I will return with Lance."
I climbed into Black and Pidge sent me Lance's last known location. The flight was quiet as we flew. I knew that I had a small disadvantage because I was armorless and the other Shiro had my armor so I would need to focus on defense until I get a opening. Black knocked me out of my thoughts as we landed right next to the empty pod. I left the headset in the cockpit before leaving. I didn't need Pidge to have anymore blackmail on me.
At first, I thought it was a snow covered planet until I saw that it was actually white sand. I only saw one set of footprints that walked towards and away from the pod.
"If you think I need help, come and get me." I told Black and it purred.
I followed the footprints all the way to a ship hidden between rocks. I heard the door opening and I ducked behind a large rock.
"Lance come back!" I heard the other Shiro talking.
"I just need a breather, you two wore me out with round three!" Lance said.
My eyes widen when I realized what he meant.
"Come back soon so we can cuddle!" Keith said and it sounded like he was purring as he spoke.
"Just give me a minute and I will come back in." I heard the door close and his footsteps were walking away from the ship. "Hurry up Shiro, I love this but I want to have the real you in my arms."
I slowly moved out from my hiding spot and he covered his mouth to hide a squeak. He was leaning his whole weight on a rock and I was shocked by what he was wearing. A silk sheet around his hips that hide nothing from the imagination.
"Lance." Was all I could say.
He got up and started to walk towards me but I had to catch him before he fell.
"Shiro." He reached up and started to touch my robot arm. "It is the real you."
"Yes, it is me." I used that same arm to lightly caress his cheek. "I am here to save you two."
I looked into his lust hazed eyes and saw happiness hidden within them.
"Please hurry, I can't stay sane for much longer. Just be careful, Keith is completely under his spell."
"Stay here, I don't want you to get in the way of the fight." I kissed his cheek after speaking.
He just nodded his head before leaning on the rock again. I walked towards the hidden ship and opened the door. I saw that the other Shiro was laying on a bed with Keith on his chest.
"Come over Lance, there is enough room for you." The fake Shiro said without looking at the door.
"I'm not Lance, I'm the real Shiro." I told him and Keith jumped up.
"Shiro!" He screeched as he was pulling blankets up to cover his naked body.
"Such a shame, you had to ruin their new life." He said as he stood up.
All he was wearing was tight pants that made me think I should start wearing that too because it looked good.
"Shouldn't they be with the real me so I can show them all the love they deserve." I told him as his yellow eyes started to glow.
"I show them love, I fuck them and then cuddle with them. Isn't that right Keith? I'm your Shiro."
I watched as he scratched one of Keith's ears. Keith was leaning into the touch and I could hear him purring. I couldn't stop the possessive feeling I got as he touched Keith.
"Step away from my Keith!" As soon as I said those words, Keith moved away from the fake Shiro.
"Well then, may the better Shiro win."
He darted forward and it was tricky trying to dodge his attacks. But he relied more on the galra hand than any other part. I faked falling over and he aimed for my head. I took that moment to slash across his chest. I was surprised that I cut through metal as he fell down. The yellow eyes dimmed as he stopped sparking. I turned to see Keith, stunned while still sitting on the bed.
He jumped at my words before trying to hide his face in the blankets.
"You must think that I am a monster and a idiot."
I walked over to him and moved the blanket away.
"No, I think that you are proof that not all Galra are evil and that anyone can be tempted into following their dreams." He looked up at me and I could see that the purple around his eyes really brought out the color. "Why don't we come home and make that dream a reality?"
His face soften as he smiled and he tried to get up from the bed. Then he fell over with his naked butt still on the bed.
"I guess all that sex really wore out my legs. I can't get up. Strange, I guess I was numb to the pain before."
I carefully picked him up, where he was sitting on my robot arm with his arms around my neck. I grabbed a blanket so he could cover himself. I noticed that there was a pile of armor in the corner of the room. I grabbed it and had Keith hold on to it as we walked over the fake Shiro's body.
"That is still creepy that there is a robot clone of me. It was a perfect mirror to me." I said as we walked out.
"You mean to tell me that you are really that big?" Keith said as we walked over to Lance. "You have to be at least eleven inches!"
Lance was looking at us with shock as I helped him off the rock. One of his arms was across my shoulders as my free arm was wrapped around his waist.
"Let's go home and find out." I told them after kissing their cheeks. Black picked that moment to fly down and used its paws repeatly to crush the ship to near paper. Then it moved over and opened its mouth for us. "Thanks Black."
We got in and they were sitting in my lap, in a way that had one on each leg. They curled up so that their heads were in the crook of my neck. As I got Black started, they both wrapped one arm around each of mine. Then, we flew towards our home.
So freaking cute!!! This is slowly reaching the end but I am planning on having a few cute moments before finishing.
Thank you for reading!!!!
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