The Three Paladins

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Just as a warning here, I am debating on adding smut in this story. I haven't wrote smut in over four years but I kinda want to again. I will put a warning in for the younger readers (I don't even think I have any). Please read and enjoy at your own risk.

**Shiro's POV**

We just defeated Zarkon when I heard something behind me. I turned my head and the witch was standing behind me. She blasted me with something and I blacked out. When I came to, I was handcuffed to a table like device.
"I need to make sure that Voltron can never be formed again but without killing or altering what made them paladins. Otherwise, the lions will just find new paladins." I heard her speak but she didn't realize that I was awake yet.
I tried to use my robot hand to cut through the handcuffs but they sparked as soon as I started. She turned around and walked over to me.
"The champion is awake. Now I can work with you."
"The other paladins will find me."
She smiled and I felt a chill going down my spine.
"Oh, I hope so but not yet. I hope to get some information out of you first. You are their leader so they would be willing to tell you their weaknesses at least once."
I started to try to fight out of the cuffs.
"I will never tell you anything about them!" I growled out to her.
"You don't have a choice."
She stuck her hand to my forehead and I felt a searing pain before the memories started. Hunk worried about the Balmera, Pidge focusing on finding her family. I felt her slow down at memories of Lance and Keith. I could feel the same fluttery feeling in my chest as I do when I talk to them and the same heat when we spar together. I was panting in pain as she pulled out of my head.
"So the leader of the paladins is in love. I have the perfect tool for that." She said as she started walking out. "It would not be hard to make a monster to keep them docile and far away."
She closed the door behind her and I could feel tears running down my face.
"Keith, Lance, I am so sorry. Please forgive me." I whispered to myself.

*Keith's POV*

I was worried about Shiro because after we defeated Zarkon, he wasn't answering anyone and his lion was down. We got onto the ship and used a wormhole to get far away from Zarkon's ship. I didn't even take off my helmet before running to the black lion. The cockpit was empty and I tried to hold back my tears. Lance picked that moment to tackle the nearest person, me, and started crying on my shoulder.
"Where is he?" I quietly asked.
"I don't know but somehow he must have been captured." Allura said.
"I think that we should all go and eat." I was about to yell at him but he raised his hand. "That way we can put all our ideas together on how to find and save Shiro. We just had a heavy battle and no one can think on a empty stomach."
Hunk's idea actually sounded reasonable so we followed the idea. So we started talking at the dining table.
"I can check with Black's main computer to see if anyone went in by normal means." Pidge said as Hunk gave out the food.
"The witch Haggar has the ability of teleporting so we should check with that." Allura pointed out while slowly eating.
"Keith, why don't you take off your helmet?" Hunk asked and I was surprised.
"Oh, I forgot that I was still wearing it." I took it off and everyone's jaws dropped. "What is it?"
I felt something move on the sides of my head. Pidge turned off her computer and used the screen as a mirror for me. My ears changed shape to a light purple and fluffy pointed ears that stuck out, part of my eyes had a purple coloration around them. I could see the slight points to my teeth that was longer than before. I looked up at the group with fear in my eyes before running out.

*Lance's POV*

I hated that I couldn't tell Shiro that I liked him before he disappeared. I was going to tell him and Keith after we came back from beating Zarkon. I wanted him back before telling Keith.
We started making plans to try and rescue him when Hunk noticed that Keith was still wearing his helmet. When he took it off, he was surprised almost more than we were. His face started to have some Galra features to it. Before I had a chance to complement him, he gave us a fearful look and ran away. I didn't think and ran after him. I saw him run to his bedroom and I managed to catch up to him. He was sitting in the corner of his room.
"Go away Lance, I am a monster."
I thought for a few seconds before speaking.
"Nope! You are a paladin!" He gave me look before sighing. "So how much is now covered in fur?"
He tilted his head and it looked so cute with his new look.
"I don't know, all I saw was the face."
I walked over and I slowly removed his gloves. His whole hands were covered in the same color as his face and ears, and his nails turned into claws.
"Beautiful." I whispered and he didn't hear me.
He took off the top part of his armor and I saw that the markings spread out to his elbows. I tried not to look at his treasure line as it had purple color as well.
"I hope that Shiro doesn't hate me for looking like this."
I pulled him into a hug.
"Don't worry, he will not care. Remember that he was the main one that helped us trust the Blades."
"Thank you Lance."
Some chapters will be like this while some might be single POV depending on the chapter. Please vote, comment, and/or follow!

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