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Aaron's POV
As I was telling Aph about what happened in the morning four people came up to us. Gene, Zenix, balto, and Sasha. "Can we talk to guys in private? Sasha says. I look over at Aph. "I suppose but this won't take long." Aph sasses. Ahh I love her sass. They lead us to the library. There is no one there. "Uh So what did you wanna tell us?" I said. Aph clutched onto m hand hiding behind me. "To do this." Gene said smirking. I felt aphs hand get tanked of mine. I look behind me and I see Balto and Zenix grabbing Aph. "APH!" I yelled trying to get to her but Sasha and Gene held me back.

Narrative POV
"Oh Aaron know that your going to be gone Aphmau will have no problem joining the shadow knights." Gene said. "Grrr she won't! Aphs smarter than you guys!" Aaron yelled. Gene snapped his fingers. ( I don't like writing in narrative point of view :3 soz)

Aaron's POV
Gene snapped his fingers. I tried to yank my arm free but it was no use. "So Aphmau do you want to join the shadow knights when Aaron leaves?" Zenix purred in aphs ear. By now I was furious and I will not be satisfied if they end up in the principles office instead of their grave. "Heck to the no I won't ever join your living he-" Aph began until Balto smacked her. "YOU SON OF A DUCK! DONT. TOUCH. HER!" I yelled. I think you could even see fire in my eyes. "A-Aaron...I'm ok." Aph said cracking a smile. I clenched my hand into fists. Zenix grabbed her chin and stroked her hair. "Did you not hear? I said don't.touch.her!" I yelled again. Sasha put her fingers on my lips. "Don't touch me you male dog." Aph said to Zenix. "Feisty I see. Well now that Aaron's going to be gone it won't be a problem." Zenix said holding her neck and grabbing her cheek pinching it. I clenched my teeth.Aph struggled to get of him. " Zenix leave Aph alone and do what you want on me." I said. "Aaron n-no!" Aph said almost releasing some tears. "But it won't be fun that way." Sasha said. "I-I knew you guys were nothing but trouble." Aph said. They all laughed. "What do you guys want so we can leave?" I said. "We want Aphmau to join the shadow nights. And then we let you go." Balto said. "F-Fine I'll join you guys just please let Aaron go!" Aph said on the verge of crying. "Aph n-no!" I said. They let us go and said, "great." Then left. I run over to Aph. "Aph why did you agree?" I asked placing my hand on her cheek. "I didn't want them to hurt you or keep us held, it hurt." Aph said tearing up. I hug her.

I stroke her soft raven hair

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I stroke her soft raven hair. I place my hand softly on her cheek.she flinched since that's where they slapped her. "Oh Aph you did not deserve that..." i said hugging her tighter. "I'm ok Aaron. It just burns a little." Aph said. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "When I find them I will beat them up harder." I whispered to aphs ear. She nodded. "Aph you aren't going to join the SK are you?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't want them to hurt you but I don't want to." Aph calmly said. We decided to skip school and we went to the park.
We sat on the grass then laid down. "Aaron when you leave don't worry about me." Aph said. "How could I not worry? I'm always going to worry." I said. "Hey Aaron?" Aph said. "Yea Aph?" I said. "Why did you leave yesterday at when you were entering the lunchroom ?" Aph asked. "It was nothing." I said. "Aaron, I know you extremely well, and I want you to tell me why." Aph demanded. "Ok ok, when I was about to enter I saw Frae holding your lunch and I kinda got jealous."I said embarrassed. Aph chuckled. "Aaron he was holding my lunch because my hand hurt during first period." Aph said. "Well why didn't you ask me to hold your lunch." I teased. Aph giggled. "Oh Aaron." She said smiling. "Prom is in three days!" Aph said putting three fingers up in my face. I laughed then it faded. "What wrong Aaron?" Aph said. "W-who are you going with for prom?" I asked shyly. "No one. I won't go unless you go." Aph said. "But are you going?" I said. By now we were both sitting up. She shrugged. "It's going to be boring without you there." Aph said. "Hey I'll tell you what." I said. She lifted her head. "Hmm?" She said. "I want you to go to prom to enjoy it with everyone." I said smiling. "But Aaron it won't be fun without you." Aph complained. "Please?" I said. She mumbled and ok. I had a surprise when prom rolled around. We got up and went to Aaron's. "So Aaron are you getting a dorm at EAH?" Aph asked. "I have to my parents are going to move in here but I just have to pack my clothes and other belongings." I said grabbing a suit case. "Can I help?" Aph asked. "Sure!" I said. We started folding clothes and grabbing my belongings like, socks, shampoo, my uniform, and other things.We sat in the empty room on my bed. "I hope you do very well in Eve Aaron." Aph said. "A-Aph I hope you do well in Phoenix and please don't join the SK." I said. "I won't Aaron, I hope that when your in Eve that you meet some awesome people!" Aph said. Which made me feel bad." I won't ever meet such great people like you and the gang." I said. "Can I get one last thing?" I said. Aph nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist. We did a small dance since i wasn't going to be here for prom or would i...? Aph giggled. we sat back down. I placed my hand on her red cheek. She flinched. "It still hurts?" I asked she nodded. I kiss it and she blushes. "A-Aaron." Aph said blushing. I laughed. Then I got a phone call.

A: yes mom?
Mom: sweety, when are you leaving?
A: at 3:00
Mom: so In 2 hours?
A: y-yeah...
Mom: you sound worried why?
A; I sigh* I'm leaving all my friends and it will take time to get used to Eve academy.
Mom: I know hun, I have to go see ya in a bit.

I hung up and look over to Aph she was picking some flowers. "Aaron promise me two things." Aph says. "What's that?" I said.

"One. You won't get into fights." I nod.


"You'll remember me forever."

Aarmau / the new boy and the shy girl.Where stories live. Discover now