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The boy ran and ran and ran until his feet hurt and his lungs burned for air. But he couldn't stop. Not yet, they we're still behind him, chasing him. Waiting to pounce on him as soon as he stopped. The boy was so deep in his own world, he ran smack into a tree and fell on his dirt ground.

"Where are you ya' freak!" A voice rang throughout the woods. The boy stayed on the ground, hoping they wouldn't see him.

"Hey! There he is!" Another voice yelled. "Yeah, that's him!" The boy heard footsteps running to him and he scrambled to his bare feet and looked for a place to run. Tree surrounded him, no place he could run.

"There you are, (M/n)! We finally found the scaled freak!" A blonde boy teased and stopped in front of (M/n). Two more boys ran and stopped beside the blonde boy.

"Yeah freak, you shouldn't run so fast, we couldn't catch ya'." The redhead said. These were (M/n)'s bullies. He didn't know why they picked on him. Was it his scales? Slit eyes? He didn't know. The redhead was Matthew, Blonde was Thomas, and the brown headed boy was Jacob. (M/n) was homeless and lived in a abandoned unfinished factory.

"Hey Thomas, whats that?" Matthew asked pointing to a bush. "I don't see anything, lets get to it boys." Thomas brushed him off and cracked his knuckles with a devilish smirk. The other boys nodded and put their fist up, swinging them down on (M/n) full force. They punch, kicked, scratched, bit, and slapped (M/n) for a good 20 minuets before Jacob stopped and stared at the bush Matthew pointed at a while ago.

"Thomas, Matthew what is that?" Jacob growled, taking a step back and they all heard a hiss come from it.

"A cat?" Thomas questioned and walked over to the bush earning another hiss.

"Hey, I think it's a cat!" Thomas called out and Jacob walked slowly over to him but then jumped back.

"Thomas! That's not a cat! That's a-" Jacob was cut off by Thomas's scream.

"Thomas!" Matthew yelled and ran to his friends side. "S-S-Snake!" Thomas screamed, pointing a finger at the bush. Just as Thomas said, a water moccasin slithered out of the bush, head up and hissing loudly at Thomas.

"How?!" Jacob screamed as the snake slithered closer the boys backed away. Thomas held his wrist, were the Water Moccasin bit him.

"It's a water moccasin..." (M/n) muttered. He had always likes snakes. He studied it more. "Venomous one to."

"WHAT?!" Thomas yelled staring at (M/n) with wide blue eyes. "VENOMOUS!?"

"Yes. I suggest you all leave." He muttered and stood up with the help of the tree behind him, wincing when he put one foot down. "They have a reputation of being very aggressive." The scaled boy said again and the trio nodded quickly and with the help of his friends, Thomas, Jacob, and Matthew all fled.

(M/n) signed and watched the snake. It stayed in place watching where the boys were closely. "No not worry, they will not come back." (M/n) said to the reptile and it moved its sight to the snake-like boy.

Are you hurt? (M/n) heard when the snake hissed. (M/n)'s eyes widened as he heard the soft male voice. The boy slowly nodded and slid to his knees as the water moccasin slithered closer to him and stopped in front of his knees.

You have bruises (M/n) heard again. "I know." He said. "The boys gave them to me."

Why? (M/n) shrugged his small shoulders. "Not sure. The beat me up for a reason I do not know." (M/n) said. The snake nodded it's head.

What's your name? The snake asked in a hiss. "(M/n)" He said. "Yours?" The snake gave a hiss like laugh and bent it's head. The snakes head lifted as it stopped laughing.

Us snakes don't have names, (M/n)

"How about I give you one?" (M/n) suggested. The snake's bright yellow eyes stared into his for a while until it slowly nodded.

Yes, I would like that.

"Great. How about....Spade?" (M/n) asked. The snake shook its head. "Alight, how about...Michi?" The snake seemed to think for a bit before nodding it's head.

Michi The snake tried the name on its tongue and nodded once again. I like it.

"As do I, Michi."

Living With Snakes. (Jeff The Killer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now