Chapter 3: Jeff?

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(I'm so sorry for short updates but I have also became obsessed with this song! From My Chemical Romance and the name is Teenagers. The lead singer is so dramatic!!! XD XD XD) 

I woke up at midnight to my female snakes hissing from their spot. I groaned lowly and bent up, the snakes of my chest sliding down to join the rest on my lap.

"Mm...Hey what is wrong?" I asked.
"Intruder!" Maka hissed. Maka was a non-venomous garden snake.
"An intruder?" I asked. Intruders were rare here, so we didn't get many of them. "Are you sure?" I asked again, rubbing my eyes sleepily. The snakes nodded. I flicked my tongue in and out, picking up a bleach and burned wood smell.  I used my tongue to smell people or animals while my normal nose smelled things like food.

"I guess your right.." I grumbled, and got out of the bed. "Maka wake up two venomous for back-up if needed." I muttered as I walked out the destroyed door way and stood outside until Soske and Aki slithered out. 

"Ready?" I asked, already walking with my tongue flicking in and out, catching the scent again and following it.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" Aki hissed  slithering after me while Soske nodded. I walked down three halls before I heard a crash and a clunk.

"Damn it!" Somebody hissed in pain. My eyes remained emotionless as I walked to the noise, giving a sign to the snakes for a hidden spot for attacking if they were needed. I peeked from around the corner and saw a male in a white hoodie, black jeans and black shoes. Greasy black hair hung around his face and fell to his collarbone. I narrowed my eyes at him, ready to kill him just like any other intruder that came in uninvited. Which was again, quite rare.

I saw the male look around and sat on the factory's cold stone floor and took off his hoodie, showing a black T-Shirt and a large cut on his left shoulder and a bullet hole in his lower arm.  

It was a lot less than my own wounds that were covered by my long, black coat I always wore.

"Leave, now." I spoke stepping out from behind the wall and glaring at the intruder.

His head snapped to me with his wide, unblinking eyes and ear to ear cut in smile. I almost gasped but held it in, showing the same stone face I had when I stepped out. He almost looked familiar to me, but thought nothing of it.

"Who the fuck are you?"  He growled turning his head to me, but not getting up. "This is my home and I wish you would leave it, please." I signed sharply after saying that sentence.

"Your fucking home? This a old factory or some shit." He said like common sense. "I have made the best out of it. Now please remove yourself from it." I said, ignoring his comment. I heard Soske and Aki hiss lowly at him from their hiding spots.

"Like hell I will." The male growled and tried to stop the bleeding from the cut and bullet hole. My tongue flicked out and caught the metallic smell of his blood. I shut my eyes and forced myself not to go and digest his body for my late night snack, even though I was not hungry and wouldn't eat for another two months. The male looked at my flicking tongue like it had another head.

"What the actual fuck? What's up with your tongue?" He asked furrowing his black eyebrows and hissed as he held his wound a bit to tight. I signed and focused on my thoughts, still keeping my eyes and ears open for the man's movements or my snakes hisses of warning. What would be the point? I don't have to eat for a long while and in all honesty, he doesn't appeal to me. And he's wounded so he would be of no harm. 

I nodded my head at my decision and looked to him. "I will heal you if you leave after." I made an offer and he pondered on it for a bit. I could feel Aki and Soske's eagerness to attack him but held themselves back because of me. They knew they will get punished if they did something out of order, even with how much I loved them.

Living With Snakes. (Jeff The Killer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now