Chapter Four: New Life

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-Jeff's POV again- Most the book is in his POV anyways, it's fun!-

(M/n) Introduced me to most the slimy snakes he owned. He had called them his family. It was kinda sad, really, having a bunch of snakes as a family. I didn't know his past or anything, but that didn't stop the pity I had in my chest for the snake boy.

Right now, he was introducing me to the few babies there were in the 'Hatchery'. He had already named each egg before they were even hatched. He had said that some snakes didn't make it or were eaten by their parents shortly after they were born, so it was his job to raise them and keep them safe.

He looked so happy, just talking about the creatures and such. (M/n) held out a small white egg the size of his palm to me. He smiled softly at the unhatched egg and put it into my hands. I held it with both hands, careful not to drop and kill something so important to him. (M/n) nodded at my careful hands and rubbed the top of the egg.

"This one will be Akira." He whispered, still rubbing the egg gently, making me a wee bit jealous. I wanted to blink at him, but we all know why I couldn't. "What type is it?" I asked. (M/n) glared at me quickly and said "He." I gulped a bit, scared of what he'll do if I called his snakes 'It'.

"Okay, what type of snake is he?"  I emphasizes 'he' so (M/n) got the hint. He nodded and smiled softly. "A Coral snake." He told me. A coral snake? Like, the really long ones with red, black and yellow stripes? My mouth made a 'O' shape and I gave the egg back to (M/n), who put it back under the lamp and in a small nest.

"Okay, than." I muttered, laying down with my arms behind my head. (M/n) watched me with wide (e/c) and I raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and laid beside me, almost cuddling into my white hoodie. I blushed and looked away, not minding how close he was.

I dozed out for a bit, like a half sleep thing. And when I awoke, I saw (M/n) cuddled up to my side, his small hands clutching my hoodie and his head on my chest, snoring softly, like a kitten almost. I noticed he was half on me, his legs tangled with mine. 

I almost had a heart attack when I looked down. On our legs and lower bodies were snakes of all sizes, colors, and shapes. One, I swore, almost stared into my soul. A brightly colored snake with scales standing off its body. I think it was a tropical Saw-scaled snake, I remember (M/n) telling me about it. He had also said that many people were dumping snakes out into the forest, mailing them here because he had been noticed for taking care of snakes, so people sent them to him.

I didn't know you can mail snakes. (You really can, like a Yellow bellied ball python can be mailed because they curl up in a ball and like tighter places for a bit, but get annoyed if there for to long and try to remove his/herself from the place.)

I tried to ignore the creatures on my legs and focus on the sleeping snake boy on me. I smiled softly at him, leaning over and rubbed his head softly. I leaned back and sighed into the air. 

After about 10 minuets, (M/n) stirred and blinked his bright (E/c)'s up at me purely. Well, he ate people so...I wasn't sure how pure he could get.

I smiled and greeted him. (M/n) grunted, muttering a 'Good Morning' and laying on my chest again. I blushed a unnoticeable pink and buried my face into his soft (h/c) hair. (M/n) sighed into my hoodie and snuggled me more, holding onto the front a bit tighter. I didn't mind. Not one bit.

Suddenly, we heard clapping. (M/n) was up in a flash and snakes staring at the intruder with glares of tigers. (M/n)'s own slit eyes were narrows at the person in the doorway, him and his snakes hissing at them threateningly.

I blinked as I leaned up, looking past (M/n) and to the 'Intruder'. The snakes hissed things to (M/n) and he only responded with a "Maybe" for each one. 

Living With Snakes. (Jeff The Killer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now