Chapter One: My Family

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(BTW this is still when your a kid (10) and you getting your snake family until i say so.) (:D)

(M/n) POV

(M/n)! Wake up! Michi hissed in my ear. I groaned and turned by head away from his hisses and tried to block him out.

Wake up! There is somebody harming a snake on rout 6! Michi hissed urgently in my ear and I shot up.

"Rout 6?" I asked calmly. Michi nodded quickly. I grabbed Michi and he wrapped around my arm tightly. Rout 6 was one of the 15 routs in the woods me and Michi had marked when we met a month ago.

I ran quickly out the factory and into the woods. Hopefully I can make another snake friend.

Hurry (M/n)!  Michi hissed loudly. "I'm trying, Michi!" I yelled, pumping my legs to run faster. Snakes were the only thing in the world that understood me, and I understood them to. I finally made it to rout 6 and saw to brown headed guys. One trying to stomp on a poor Pine Wood snake. I was filled with rage, how dare he try to stomp on a Pine Woods snake?!

Stop It! Please stop! I was just passing by! Stop it! I heard the Pine Woods snake's pleads for the boy to stop.

"HEY STOP IT!" I screamed. Screaming or talking loudly was out of character for me, I was normally quiet. The boy stopped stomping seeing he had already stomped on the snake once and both looked to me.

Hurt them back, (M/n)! I heard Michi hiss in anger. I glanced down at him to see his head out pointing to the boys, his forked tongue flicking in and out.

"Who are you?!" The boy who was stomping on the snake said bringing his foot back to his other. The other boy who had lighter hair was hiding behind who I guessed was his brother in fear.

"I am non of your concern." I stated and walked over to the Pine Woods snake and got on my knees in front of it. The snake tried to move away put Michi slithered off my arm and said it was okay and that I wouldn't hurt him. The other snake wouldn't believe it but was convinced and trusted me.

"Come on you two." I softly said and  held my right arm out to the snakes. Michi slithered on and rested around my shoulders and the other hesitated before wrapping himself securely around my lower arm with his head resting on my wrist.

"Now, why were you trying to hurt this snake?" I hissed at the boys who were watching my interactions with the snakes. The one with blue eyes talked first.

"It almost bit my brother!" He growled and glanced to his brother. I looked down to the snake on my arm and held it to my face. I heard a gasp from one of the boys but ignored it.

"Was that true?" I asked him. The snake lowered his head and shook it side to side.

No. I was passing by the one with lighter hair and he screamed.  I nodded. A lot of people did that. They see a snake and scream then the snake gets killed for passing by or just by being seen.

"I understand." I spoke and lowered my arm. My (E/c) eyes glared into the older boys blue ones and I took a step forward and he put his arm out for his brothers safety.

"See?" I asked tilting my head. The boy looked confused. "See what?" He asked, all anger gone and replaced with confusion.

"See what you just did?" He still looked confused. "You put up a defense to your brother in case I would attack him, did you not?" The boy nodded slowly and put his arm down, but still stayed in front of his brother.

"That is how I am with snakes." My slit eyes watched him. His every move and breath.  "How? Snake are killers, monsters!" He yelled. I signed at the M word. I always hated it.

Living With Snakes. (Jeff The Killer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now