We're Not Going To School. Oh Yes We Are!

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I woke up to discover that Alex had changed into his night clothes, and that I was once again wrapped up in his arms. Wonder why he never left to go back to his bed? Um... Oh well. I rolled back over to curl into Alex's side when I got a look at the alarm clock that sat on the side of the bed that Alex was on. It said seven thirty... WAIT! I go to school now! Why didn't Andrew or Sirena come to wake us up when we weren't at breakfast!

I tryed to get up but Alex had an iron grip on my waist that only got tighter the more that I tryed to get out. Sighing I just layed back down and stared at the ceiling and thought that Alex should be awake now even if the alarm clock didn't wake him up in the first place. Shaking my head, I tryed once again to get him to let me go but he didn't.

"You know there is this thing called school that we started yesterday that mom and dad made us start going to, right? I mean we can't miss the second day of school for this." I said as I once again gave up on trying to get out  of his embrace.

"Yes but someone who is not feeling that good and is very sleepy shouldn't go to school because they may be sick or something. Now stop moving around so much, I haven't slept this good in god knows how long." He said as he pulled me closer to him and tucked me under his chin, releasing a big sigh.

"Come on Alex, we need to go to school. People will think that something is wrong if only Sirena and Andrew go to school." I said but not moving to get up being comfortable where I was.

"But something is wrong with you Bell."

"Yes, but we don't need them to worry about me when there is no reason or need to worry about me. Okay?  So let me go, and get up so when can get ready for school."

I went to get up but he still had an iron grip on me and I fell back down on his chest. He's arms around me got tighter and tighter until he made sure that I wouldn't be able to move at all but yet I was still comfortable enough where I could move my head. I put my chin on his chest so I was able to talk to him and look him in the eyes.

"We are going to school today Alex."

"I'm supposed to keep you safe and healthy as possible. I say that you are not going to school because you are not feeling well, so you should stay home and rest as much as you can. Now will you please stay still, lay back down, and go back to sleep. Please?" 

"What about if we make a compromise?"

"What kind of compromise?"

"One where we sleep half of the school day and then go to there. Would that work?"

"I don't know Bell. I know that you're really sleepy so you can't even try and denie that, I mean as you're laying here your eyes are beginning to fall, because you're fighting the sleep that you know you need."

"Just because you know that I need it, doesn't mean that I really want to sleep. Please Alex just agree with what I said, ok?" I asked as I closed my eyes and layed my head down on his chest.

He sighed, starting to rub up and down my arm. He pulled the blanket up over us as his grip on me got tighter and his warmth sank into me, since I had began to get cold, again. I gave a sigh in contentment and began to drift off into the darkness that was calling to me .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I began to rub up and down her arms I knew that she would soon fall asleep. She was shivering and I didn't even realize that she was, so I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me, she then fell asleep. I know she needed her sleep, I don't know how I knew that she needed but I knew that she was going to need it. I sighed as she was asleep she was going to be mad at me if I didn't wake her up to go to school, but we both needed our sleep so I wasn't going to wake her up just to go to school its not like she didn't know everything that they were teaching us at the school.

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