Are you her mate?

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My blood ran cold. . . 

Is that why Alex was so happy today? Because he had found his mate and hadn't tolled me yet? 

"Bell!?!" Alex said waving a hand in front of my face. 

"Yeah?" I said not looking at him.

"You okay? You look pale." He said looking at me concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. So why does your sister think Alex is her mate?" I asked Phillip looking up over at him.

"I don't really know. . . She just said she felt a strong pull to Alex and she started freaking out yesterday when he wasn't here."

I nodded my head. . . I looked up at Alex he was watching me, with a look of concern on his face.

"Bell are you sure that you're okay?" He asked bringing a hand to my forehead.

I just nodded my head to him and looked down not in the mood for talking or food anymore.

"Bell you're not okay your head is freezing cold! We're going home, you need to get warmed up right away." He said as he took my hand and pulled me up. He began to pull us out the door as Phillip looked up to give me a sympathetic look, I gave him a small smile. 

Alex got us into the car and he turned on the heater to full blast. He sped away from the school so he could get to the house to warm me up. But in reality I didn't really care. . . He didn't even say anything about him not being her mate or her being his mate. . . Did he?

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes until the car stopped. I got out not giving Alex enough time to open my door for me. Pulling out my keys I unlocked the door, I left it open and ran up to my room closing the door on Alex's footsteps coming up the stairs. I locked my door as I slid down to my floor and pulled my knees to my chest, putting my head in between my knees.

Alex banged on the door, "Bell come on let me in. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I whispered, though I know he can here me.

I heard him bang his forehead against the door and say, "Is it about Phillip's sister, Bell? If it is let me in and we can talk about this. . . Please?"

I heard a desperate note in his voice and decided to let him in. I opened my door and let him in, when I did I was wrapped up in his arms and I don't think i'm going to be let out of his grip anytime soon.

"Are you?" I asked him quietly.

"No no no no. I am not her mate I don't know what she feels for me but it sure is not the mate bond. I am not her mate and she is not mine." He said his arms around me tightening.

"Ok." I said.

He pulled back slowly and looked at me, I guess I still looked pale to him because he put his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature again. He had a concerned look on his face because he lead me other to the bed and sat me down taking off my shoes. He made me crawl under the covers as he went to get an extra blanket from his room.

I reached over and got my remote turning my tv on to Castle. I settled back into my covers about the time Alex came in my room with his comforter. He spread the blanket out over the ones that were already on top of me and crawled under the covers with me, after kicking off his shoes. He wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me closer to him so I could get warm. I cuddled up to him and inhaled his scent. He slowly began to ran his fingers through my hair, I heard him sigh in contentment. 

"So if shes not your mate then why did she start freaking out yesterday?" I asked him, as I looked forward.

He tightened his grip on me and said "Honestly Bell, she probably just has a crush on me or something I don't know but i'm not mated to her."

"If you're not mated to her then who are you mated to?" I asked as I stiffened to the fact that he implied that he was mated, just not to her.

"I'm not positive if i'm mated yet. . . I think i'm going to be mated but she's not of age yet. . ." He said as he got a slight pink to his cheeks.

I just nodded my head and closed my eyes. I began to doze in and out of sleep over the course of three hours, Alex never once left my side. 

Opening my eyes I sat up and looked around, Alex was still with me he was looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you ok Bell?" He asked me.

I got out of the bed and nodded my head as I went to the bathroom. As I was walking out of the bathroom I got a look of myself in the mirror I looked horrible. Sighing I just walked out of the bathroom. I crawled back on the bed and wrapped myself up in Alex's comforter.

 I heard a chuckle from behind me and then I felt arms wrap themselves around me. I looked behind me to come face to face with  Alex's chest, then I looked up at his face, he had a smile on his face. I was now sitting in between his legs. I sat back and sighed, he was warm.

"Do you want something to eat Bell?" He asked me as he tightened his grip on me.

I shook my head and said, "No i'm not hungry."

"Bell all you've eaten is an apple and a couple of french fries. We can go get some of your favorite food." He said as he sat up in bed better, with his back resting agiasn't the headboard.

I shook my head, "No i'm not hungry Alex."

"Why aren't you hungry, Bell?" He asked as two car doors closed outside.

"Who's not hungry?" An and Sirena asked as they walked into my room.

"Me, hey sis do you know a guy named Phillip?" I asked looking up at her.

Her checks got slightly pinker as I said his name, "Yes I know him I have a few classes with him, why?"

"Just wondering." I said smiling at her with a knowing smile.

She gave me a look like 'we will talk later'. I just nodded my head at her and turned back to my tv, An was looking at Alex with a look like 'dude you know whats going on?'. I just laughed even more and got out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen and got something so drink.

"Can I ask you something Sibella?" Andrew asked as he scared the crap out of me, I hadn't heard him come in to the kitchen.

"Um yeah sure, go a head." I said leaning against the counter.

 "You know that Alexander cares deeply for you right?" He asked looking at me intently.

"I know he cares a great deal for me yes, but not deeply no. . . Why?" I asked.

"No reason, just wondering if you knew or not. Why don't you eat an apple or something Sibella." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

I stood there for a moment and then walked back up to my bedroom, to find that Alex was still laying in my bed asleep. I gave a small smile and layed back down with him but slightly away from him. I think that he felt that I was in the bed because after a minute he rolled over and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. When he had me fully pressed against his side he let out a small content sigh, and smiled slightly in his sleep.

Looking down on him I gave a small smile and began to run my fingers through his hair slowly. His hair was soft, he sighed again and shifted closer to me, putting his head in my lap. I continued to do this until after a while he opened his eyes and looked up at me. He broke out into a huge grin.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked not moving, just laying his head back down on my lap. 

"I don't know about an hour and a half. Why?" I asked and quit running my hand through his hair.

"Just wondering, don't quit, it feels good." He said and hummed in pleasure when I started to do it again.

I shook my head and gave a soft smile. The arms around my waist began to tighten around me. I looked up at the tv and watched Castle. The next time I looked down at Alex he was asleep again with a smile on his face, my smile widened. I leaned my head back on the headboard, closing my eyes I soon found myself asleep with Alex's head still in my lap, both of us with smile on our face.

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