Next Day

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When I woke up the next day I found that I was alone in bed, looking at the clock I seen that I had half an hour before my alarm clock went off. Getting out of bed I went to my bathroom to do my business, when I got out I went to Alex's room. Walking in I found that he wasn't in his room, but listening hard enough you could hear the shower running. Shrugging my shoulders I crawled up in his bed and curled up, then flipping on the tv to Castle.

A few minutes later I heard the shower turn off, soon after that Alex walked out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I tried not looking at his six-pack as he walked across the room to his closet smiling, he then closed the door shaking his head. I buried my head into one of his pillows, by the time that he had walked out I had fallen halfway back to asleep.

"You know you have to get up now Bell, your alarm clock is getting ready to go off in a minute." He said and came over to the bed.

"Ugh five more minutes pleaseee." I said and put my head under his pillow.

"Come on Bell get up, i'll let you wear your favorite hoodie that's mine." He said and I peeked my head out from under the pillow.

"Okay, i'll get up and go get ready." I said and he started laughing at me.

Smiling I walked out of his room and into mine. Jumping into my shower I took a quick one and then got out. I dried off and put on black skinny jeans, black tank and blue converses. I walked back into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair, leaving it down.

Walking out of my bathroom I found Alex laying in my bed feet crossed at the ankle and hands folded behind his head, the hoodie laying beside him. The hoodie was a dark blue, like the color in my eyes, that's one of the reasons I loved the hoodie, that and it smelt like him. Walking over to my bed I picked it up and put it on.

I began to poke him in his stomach, then his face when I got no response out of him I just shrugged my shoulders. I began to walk toward the door when all of a sudden a strong arm came and wrapped itself around me. Before I could do anything about the arm wrapped around my waist I was pulled down on the bed and into a chest, Alex's chest.

"You know we have to leave soon, right?" I asked him as he put his head in the hallow of my neck.

"I know but we can just lay here for a minute or two."

"I suppose we can, but we can't be late for school Alex." I said closing my eyes.

I reopened my eyes to see that it was time for us to head to school, so that we wouldn't be late. I turned or tried to turn so that I could tell Alex, but when I turned I found that he was already awake and smiling.

"We have to go, and what are you smiling about?" I asked as he released his hold on me, so that I could get up.

"Just happy that we got to lay down for a while longer." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair and I did the same to mine.

"We better go before we're late Alex." I said as I went down to the car, him following silently behind me.

When we got into the car I leaned my head against the window and pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over my hands, I seen Alex smile out the corner of my eye. I shook my head at him and smiled along with him. By the time that we got to school we had ten minutes before the first bell went off. Alex and I walked into our first period, the teacher nodded at us. We went to our seats and Alex sat down, then I sat down on his lap. I curled up on his lap cold, burring my head in the crock of his neck.

He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. We both sighed in contentment. I was reluctant to get up when the bell rang but decided I probably should. I got off of Alex's lap and went to my cold one and sat down. Laying my head down as the teacher started to talk, I began to doze off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alexander's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was honestly really shocked this morning when I walked out of the shower to find Bell laying on my bed, I thought that she would've slept in for a little bit this morning even though we went to bed early last night. But there she was laying in my bed cuddled up with my pillows. It took all of my power not to grin like an idiot, I quickly crossed my room to get dressed. After getting dressed I walked back out in the room and had to bribe her to get ready by saying she could wear her favorite hoodie of mine.

Then she practically jumped out of my bed to go get ready, shaking my head at her I went and got the hoodie for her. Walking into her room to find that she was still in the shower I layed down in her bed, getting comfortable. I feel asleep.

But then I woke to someone poking me, but then they quit and got up to walkway. Quickly I reached out and wrapped my arm around Sibella's waist, and pulled her down next to me. Wrapping my arms around her tighter, then we had to get up and go to school. When we got into the car though she put her head against the window and pulled my hoodie down over her hands, I had smile at how cute she looked right then.

When we finally got to the school I had seen that we had ten minutes before the first bell would go off, so we just went to our first period. When I sat down Bell soon sat down on my lap and curled up, burying her head in the crock of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from falling out of my lap, and to bring her closer to me. We both sighed in contentment at this. But when the bell rang I was reluctant to let go and she was reluctant to get up, but she did and sat down in her seat and fell asleep.

When the bell rang she jumped at the sudden sound and got out of her seat. Smiling I walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulders as we made our way to our next class. This went on the whole day until lunch. When we got to the cafeteria she went to sit down at our table and I went to get us food even though most of the time I'm the one eating it all.

When I got to the table she had here head down and that Phillip kid was sitting across from her, talking to her. I sat down beside her and pushed the try over towards her. She raised her head up and laughed at something that Phillip said and reached over to grab a french Fri, and ate it.

I look at to see that Phillip was looking down at his phone and smiling.

"You texting your mate or something Phillip?" Bell asked him scotting closer to me and taking some more food.

"Um. . . just this girl that I think might be my mate." He said and looked down blushing.

"Wonna tell me a name?"

Phillip looked back up at her and shook his head, "I'll tell you when I know for sure. Her birthday is coming up soon I believe. Hey, Alexander, have you found your mate yet?"

I looked up at him and shook my head, mates didn't find each other until both were seventeen or older. I looked over at Bell who looked a little sad. . .

"Do you have an idea as to who it might be?" Phillip asked me as I continued to eat my lunch.

"I think that I might have an idea as to who it might be but, I'm not sure yet she hasn't turned of age yet." I said as the bell rang for us to go to our next class.

The rest of our day continued with Bell cuddling further into my hoodie as she kept saying she got colder each class. At the beginning of the period her lips had started to turn a slight shade of blue so I pulled her into my lap ignoring the looks I was getting from my everybody except for the teacher. I gave the others death glares and they looked away from us. She curled up into a ball on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her tighter until her shaking had stopped. She signed in contentment and put her head in the crock of my neck.

I continued to take notes for the class since I believed she had fallen asleep in my lap, when the bell rang I didn't even bother to take her to 7th period, I just put her in the car and went home. When I got us home I brought her up to our--HER room. . . not our room. . . I went to walk away but as soon as our skin lost contact she cried out for me in her sleep, I laid down with her and she come over and cuddled in my arms laying her head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her. We sighed in content and soon I fell asleep with her laying in my arms.

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